I Caught You Looking AU: Chapter Eleven

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"Have you ever noticed how parents can go from the most wonderful people in the world to totally embarrassing in three seconds?"

~Rick Riordan

(We stan Uncle Rick ✊🏾 😤)


I'm literally about to scream.

"I did NOT just do that." I whispered under my breath, while closing the front door to my house. "I did not just hug THE Aiden Acharya."

I buried my face in my hands blushing profusely while still leaning on the door. "He hugged me back and didn't want to let go. No way. This is a dream. It must be a fricken dream."

Suddenly I heard footsteps walking towards the hallway.

"Aru?" My mom called, "Are you home, beti?"

I smoothed my hair down and smacked my face.

Keep calm and move on, Shah.

"Yeah," I replied, "I'm home."

"Okay, I just wanted to know if you wanted to eat pizza tonight and spend some time together?" She asked, leaning to one side of a pillar, "You could tell me about your little date with Acharya..."

"IT WASN'T A DATE, MOM!" I yelled, burning up.

She put her hands in the air in defeat and smirked. "Okay, okay, if you say so."

I glared straight at my mother, and then rolled my eyes. I told her that I'd go to my room and quickly change and then come back down to decide on a movie that we could watch. I rushed upstairs and threw my clothes in the laundry bin, freshening up, and then picking a new set of pajamas out. This time, I was wearing a hoodie that my mom had in college, and then black sweatpants. I let down my hair and brushed it, then put it into a messy bun, then walked downstairs and towards the living room to see my mom with two big bowls of popcorn ready and on the couch with pillows and sodas.

She grinned. "Come, come. Sit down. What movie do you want to watch today?"

I hummed, while my brain did cartwheels trying to figure out what movie I wanted to watch this time. My mom glanced at me, turning the TV on and smiled.

"I see my hoodie has made its way to your closet again." She said, smirking, "You know, you've got a knack for stealing hoodies from people."

"OH SHOOT!" I yelled, jumping up from the couch, "I FORGOT! THANKS MOM!"

I ran towards my room, again, in search of Aiden's green hoodie. It was laying on top of my bed, clean, folded, and kept neatly. I snatched it and then ran downstairs, zooming through the front door and towards Aiden's house. I stopped in front of the house to see Aiden sitting on his porch with his camera in hand, obviously, and a surprised look plastered on his handsome face.

"Here..." I said, holding out the hoodie while panting, "Take it... I washed and dried it. It's..." I huffed, gasping for air, "...cootie free."

He chuckled and got up to stand in front of me.


If I stood next to Aiden side by side, you'd see that he's like a giant compared to me. I'm five foot one, but Aiden, he must be at least five foot ten. I'd have to stand on my toes to reach his head.

"Thanks Shah," He said, taking the hoodie from me, "I appreciate it. Did you run all the way to my house?"

I nodded and collapsed on his driveway, exhausted. "As you can see, I have zero stamina."

"I already noted that down a few seconds back," He laughed, "Are you walking with me to school tomorrow?"

I raised an eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure I'm going to be dropped off. Do you want me to walk to school with you?"

He shrugged. "It'd be nice."

I smiled. "I make everything nice, don't I?"

"Okay, okay," He said, snickering, "Maybe not everything, but you do make some things nice."

I playfully nudged him. "At least you admitted that one thing."

"I'm actually quite truthful," He declared, "Unlike someone I know..."

"HEY." I said, pointing a terrifying finger towards him, "I'M PROBABLY MORE TRUTHFUL THAN YOU ARE!"



"You're probably the biggest liar in the entire world."

"No I'm not."



I both stared at each other for a hot second, then burst out laughing.

"Snob." I retorted.

"Troll." He replied.

He didn't even bother to look at me, he was staring at his camera that he loved 'oh-so-much.' But I did notice that a corner of his mouth lifted, almost like a smile. He looked up at me and we made eye contact for three seconds. A slight rosy tint enveloped his cheeks and he was the first one to break away.

He scratched his neck, "I-I got to go. My mom's going to be wondering where I am."

"NO!" Our mom's both screamed in unison from their separate front doors. "YOU TWO CAN CARRY ON!"

"MOM!" I screamed, looking at her in shock.

Aiden's face was on fire now, as was mine.

"I'm going to go now before things get anymore awkward." He said, backing away, "I'll see you tomorrow morning at school, Shah!"

"Bye!!" I said, cringing while walking to my door.

I feel so embarrassed.



A little shorter of a chapter than usual, 

but I will be updating over the next few days more regularly bcos I finished a BUNCH of homework and I'm pretty sure my teachers will give us a break and cut us some slack,


(they absolutely must i'm about to CRY)


How was y'all's week?

What did y'all do?

Anything interesting or juicy to spill?? 😏😏😏

I've got to go, but do feel free to comment here any suggestions or whatever crap you want to, it doesn't matter lol!

I love seeing y'all's comments sm!


Mona ✨🌕✨


I Caught You Looking ~ An Aru Shah AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now