I Caught You Looking AU: Chapter Nineteen

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"The best revenge is massive success."

~Frank Sinatra


Aru's phone alarm buzzed and I sleepily looked at the clock in her room that rested on top of her nightstand next to her bed, with her lamp looming over it. The sun was starting to rise and through her blinds you could see the orange-red rays shine, falling on her face. I've always thought of Aru as my best friend and my sister, and it's always been a fact in my mind that she was very pretty. At times I've been jealous of her life, the way that she walks, talks, and lives as such an amazing person. Sometimes I feel like I'm seen as her shadow, her sidekick, and backup. She's been there for me many times, but once in a while I like to imagine myself in her place. Being able to make friends so easily and see their potential, to be such a natural leader, and to have her sense of humor. To be able to light up the room when I walk in. Gods, Aru was perfect in every way. Last night, Brynne texted me that Aru and Aiden had stuff 'go downhill' and that Aiden himself was sobbing his eyes out like a newborn baby. So naturally, Aru wouldn't have been doing well either. Aru is strong, but when it came to Aiden, you could tell that she softened at his sight. Aiden was Aru's weakness, and if you noticed and looked closely at Aiden you could tell that his weakness was her as well. Therefore I came over to cheer her up. It wasn't like they broke up, they were never together in the first place. They were merely each other's crushes. Aru has crushed over others before and been brutally rejected multiple times, but that was a loooong time ago. During those days, she would walk away with her shoulders back and her chin high as if nothing happened and she wasn't hurt by her crush not liking her back. It was one of the other things I admired about her. I guess that this time it hurt her a lot because Aiden liked her back, and he hinted multiple times and even kissed her. They both thoroughly enjoyed hanging out with each other, and from the moment they met, they seemed to have attached pretty easily. But Aiden, for some reason, decided to avoid his feelings. It was annoying to me because I saw it, Brynne saw it, Rudy saw it, the entire school saw it, (and gossiped about it,) in fact, the whole world probably knew, but those two didn't. There was probably a whole "fandom" about them at school.

I yawned and sat up from my side of the bed, and shook Aru awake. "C'mon, we can't be late today."

Aru opened her eyes and looked at me, "I don't know Mini, I don't want to go to school today."

I rolled my eyes and got up from the bed, grabbing my backpack full of things that I usually bring over for a sleepover, mostly disinfecting stuff, obviously. But, I did bring some special clothes.

"Y'know what we're gonna do?" I asked, smirking and raising my eyebrow slyly at Aru.

Aru squinted at me suspiciously and was hesitant to ask me for the answer. "...What? You usually talk about killing someone when you give me that look."

"Shove Aiden's words in his mouth and show him what he lost." I replied, throwing an outfit from my bag at her and motioning for her to wear it, "Retaliation is key; wear that and do your makeup but a bit extra. Then I'll help you do your hair but I'm not gonna touch it with my bare hands. I will be choosing to wear gloves while touching your hair. There are a bunch of germs and bacteria that linger in your hair that come from the air and a bunch of other things, which means you could inhale them at any time and get sick and then–"

She cut me off with a grin. "–Die. I know, but... What's gotten into you? I've never seen this side of you Mini. One that is vengeful. I'm proud. My girl's growing up!!"

I felt my cheeks redden a little, I wasn't used to Aru being proud of me for doing such things. She was right, it wasn't like me to think about revenge. Although, I will admit it gave me a rush of excitement.

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