001, Suspicious.

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The clan was getting too suspicious

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The clan was getting too suspicious.

Jake was completely blind to it. They all wouldn't dare speak a word about it with him, but Atula's mother was someone common.

It had been seven years since Atula and Jake had 'mated.' Nothing big has happened since then: no ceremonies, or affection of any type shown towards Atula, or pregnancies.

It was common to having children almost immediately once mating, growing families and the clan was important to Na'vi culture.

Seven years without at least one child was odd for them all to witness which caused growing suspicion against their relationship.

"Sa'nok, we are not ready for another child. Having four is a lot, still," Atula explained to Tawkani, crossing her legs as she continued to cut multiple fruits for the feast that night.

"They are getting suspicious — as am I. Everytime I look at you, Ma'Ite, you do not look happy," Tawkani explained before helping Atula peel some of the fruits.

Tawkani didn't catch the way Atula's lips twisted into a frown, eyes beginning to water for the first time in many months.

"I am worried for you, that is all. Is JakeSully treating you correctly?" Tawkani questioned before meeting Atula's eyes, watching as her chin wobbled from the tears threatening to fall down her cheeks.

Truth was, Jake wasn't bothered about Atula.

The children were more than happy to have her in their family, declaring her as 'Mom,' and 'Mama.' It was them who kept Atula going, it was them keeping a smile bright on her face.

Jake didn't have the loving emotions to care for Atula. He was more focused on preparing for larger wars, training young warriors and taking responsibility for his children's safety.

"He is treating me more than okay, Sa'nok. Do not worry," Atula tried to smile but her mother could see right through it.

Though, she didn't want to press on further and resulting in her daughter sobbing.

"Mama, mama!" The high, but sweet, pitched voice of Tuk could be heard as she ran into Tawkani's hut. Atula smiled once seeing her little girl, watching as she hid her small frame behind Atula's seated one. "What is happening?" Atula asked with a loud laugh, Tawkani smiling once seeing her daughter happy again.

Tuk hushed Atula, watching and squealing once Neteyam walked into the hut.

Atula caught on immediately. She continued to cut the fruits, pretending that Tuk wasn't hiding behind her. "My sweet boy, what is it?" Atula asked once Neteyam was done looking around the hut, obviously trying to find Tuk.

Neteyam huffed: "I'm trying to find Tuk. She cheated and ran before I even had a chance."

Atula laughed, "I haven't seen her. Have you, Sa'nok?" Tawkani shrugged her shoulders before the small giggles of Tuk could be heard.

Neteyam's mouth dropped before running towards Atula and finding Tuk. "Got ya," Neteyam said before tapping Tuk, the girl gasping and narrowing her eyes at Neteyam.

Tuk thought for a moment before placing her palm onto Atula's body, "Tig!"

Atula watched as Tuk grabbed onto Neteyam's hand made them run from the hut. "Oh, really?" Atula exclaimed before jumping up and running to find her eldest, and youngest.

"TukTuk," Atula called out as she watched Neteyam's head pop from behind a woven basket of fresh food. She laughed before sneakily crawling behind them.

She watched what they were looking at, figuring they were trying to seek her body.

"What are we looking for?" Atula questioned before Tuk jumped, turning to find Atula's body standing behind them. Her fingetip tapped at Neteyam's chest, "You're it."

She dragged Tuk with her, repeating her apologies to the Omatikaya people they had to run into, before pulling Tuk towards their families hut where Jake sat, sharpening his knife.

He watched their worried and quick movements, thinking something had happened to the two of them. "Are you okay?" Jake asked, eyes looking directly at Tuk's little body to search for any injuries bearing her.

Tuk rolled her eyes when Neteyam walked in as Jake had already given their hiding place away. "Dad!" Tuk sulked before Jake laughed and looked at Neteyam's tired state, "That's not fair. Dad made you find us."

Neteyam kneeled down, looking at Tuk and stroking her hair. "Sorry, Tuk," He said before muttering another tig, making the girl run directly after him whilst Atula stayed behind in the hut.

Her mind thought back to the previous conversation with Tawkani.

She squatted in front of Jake, watching as his hands moved to sharpen his knife again.

Although, he couldn't focus when all he could feel was her breathing fan across his flesh. "What do you want?" Jake asked, looking up at her flushed cheeks.

"We need to talk," Atula announced before sitting down flat, Jake placed his knife down to show he was all ears before Atula opened her mouth to speak to him, "The clan are getting suspicious. They don't believe we are a mated couple."

He sighed: "That's because we're not."

She tilted her head, squinting her eyes. "They can't know that. They wouldn't trust us again."

It was the truth. Seven years of a hidden lie would make the clan disbelieve all their words, and orders.

"Remember when you said that you would give me children... when I am ready?" Atula asked Jake causing him to look into her yellow eyes, brows furrowing at her words.

He knew what was coming next.

"I am ready," Atula finished her sentence.

Looking around the hut, declaring there are no children surrounding them, Jake nodded his head and looked down at her covered body.

He watched as her ears were perked up, tail swaying behind her body. "Right now?" Jake asked quietly, standing up and allowing Atula to follow his movements.

Her head nodded, shyly, which caused him to softly smile.

They have had sex before, none of it with meaning and none of which included kissing or bonding — according to Jake's rules.

Kissing and bonding was too intimate for him. He saved them for Neytiri, despising whenever he even thought of letting his lips touch Atula's body.

"Please..." She was gonna regret that.

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