011, Treat!

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( Five Months Pregnant )

Tuk held onto Atula's thigh, burying her face into the flesh as she was frightened over Lo'ak being missing — beyond the reef

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Tuk held onto Atula's thigh, burying her face into the flesh as she was frightened over Lo'ak being missing — beyond the reef.

Atula couldn't believe the explanation falling simply from Ao'nung's mouth, wanting to skin him for leaving Lo'ak in a vulnerable state but the worry began to settle sickly in her stomach.

"Oh, Lo'ak..." Atula breathed out as she saw Lo'ak move closer towards them, jumping down to check his body for any wounds, "Thank you, Eywa. Thank you."

Placing his head on her chest, Atula felt Lo'ak wrap his arms around her waist.

"You are lucky you are a child!" Atula told Ao'nung who stood nervously besides Tonowari.

Atula hissed at him, Lo'ak raising his head from the interaction, "Mom, it is okay."

Her head shook before Lo'ak left her grip, looking up at Ao'nung and Tonowari, "It was not Ao'nung's fault. It was my idea, Ao'nung tried to talk me out of it, really!" Atula didn't know what to believe, but she knew Lo'ak wouldn't be that ignorant to go beyond the reef without Ao'nung's temptation or convincing.

"Come, Ma'Itan," Atula gently took Lo'ak's arm into her hand, pulling him along with her steps before Jake began to walk with them both.

Jake noticed how numb Atula had gone after hearing Lo'ak was missing, how she fumbled around to go found him and even tried to escape beyond the reef.

"Dad. You told me to try and make friends, that is all I was trying to do," Lo'ak explained to Jake, stopping in his tracks and tightening his hold around Atula's hand, readying himself for another punishment from Jake.

Jake scowled, "I don't wanna hear it. You have brought shame to his family."

Atula's hears dropped at the words, eyes squinting before she faced Jake. She couldn't believe Jake had told their son that.

"Jake!" Atula warned, Jake looking to meet her angry and disappointed expression.

"Can I go now?" Lo'ak asked, letting go of Atula's hand and looking around for the comfort of Neteyam. Jake nodded, allowing his youngest son to walk away from the two of them.

Atula didn't let Jake speak, harshly grabbing his ear and pulling him into the pod.

Their family motto, 'Sully's stick together.' That is what makes them. That is how they got through all the tough things... together.

So, when Jake declared Lo'ak as the disappointment, the one who brought shame to their family — the outcast. It ignited something within Atula, something she didn't know existed.

"You have no right saying that to him, Jake. He is a child, fourteen. All Lo'ak was trying to do was impress you, that is all he ever does! If you took time to spend with us, you would know that," Atula exclaimed, Jake could tell she was angry by the way her pupils dilated and her tail swung fast behind her.

Jake watched Atula move, a flicker of heat falling within his chest.

He stepped towards her, his palms resting on her cold hips.

"No..." Atula protested as she tried to push Jake away, she wasn't going to allow herself to melt into his touch. Not this time.

But, he didn't stop. Jake walked until Atula's back pressed firmly against the wall of the pod.

Something about the way Atula defened Lo'ak, watching as she cared and loved for them fueled Jake. He didn't know what the feeling was, all he knew was that he needed her, now.

"Tell me to stop, and I will," Jake told Atula, his breath trailing down her body as he got on his knees in front of her.

His fingers were delicate across her flesh, gently removing the loincloth that covered her heat. After it had been tossed away, Atula gasped as a gush of cold air hit her cunt.

She squirmed slightly, allowing Jake to take one of her legs and place it atop his shoulder, giving him easier access. "So pretty," Jake mewled before bringing his face closer to her heat.

He gave one lick to her clit, feeling as she jumped and grabbed his hair in response.

Jake's tongue trailed down her slit, finding her entrance and prodding his tongue into her. Atula moaned quietly, Jake savouring the taste of her sweet slick filling his mouth.

He hummed, sending vibrations to her heat which made Atula moan louder and jolt her hips forwards, only knocking herself deeper into Jake's mouth.

He moved his tongue back to her clit, licking and sucking on the intended spot. Jake moved his hands onto Atula's hips, attempting to keep her from moving anymore. "Hm, Jake!" Atula gasped after feeling him kiss her clit.

"Make you feel good..." Jake whispered against her cunt before devouring her some more.

Atula only nodded her head, aggressively, in response as pure bliss covered her body. Without thinking, Atula pushed Jake closer to her body using his hair.

Jake soon brought his fingers up, pushing two within Atula's neglected entrance.

He curled his fingers, making sure they hit her gummy spot, before pumping fastly in and out of her cunt. "Jake, fuck," Atula whispered as she leaned her head back, jaw hung low whilst multiple moans left her throat.

The knot in her stomach only grew tighter, and tighter, as Jake fingered her and devoured her clit. A familiar warmth filled her thighs, meaning she was close to finishing.

Jake looked up, from what he could see, Atula was finding this amazing.

"Ah, ah, right there," Atula told Jake, hitting the sweet spot inside of her. "Jake!" Atula screamed before feeling the knot in her stomach explode, her thighs tightened around Jake's head as her body shook from the orgasm.

Jake pulled away, wiping her mouth clean before smiling proudly to himself, "That felt good, huh, baby?"

Atula didn't reply, she was still angry at him.

"Clean up, and go speak to your son," Atula told him, feeling as his hands removed from her hips. This sent Atula buckling to the ground from the weakness of her hips.

Jake laughed, pulling Atula back up until she rested against his chest, "You sure you don't need caring for?"

Atula rolled her eyes, giving into Jake as he began to clean her body.

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