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( Two Months Later
Seven Months Pregnant )

Two months Atula had spent hiding Lo'ak's secret meetings with Payakan, finding it amusing how Jake hadn't caught on yet

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Two months Atula had spent hiding Lo'ak's secret meetings with Payakan, finding it amusing how Jake hadn't caught on yet.

He had nearly finished his training, breathing was still difficult for him but everything else he had got the hang of. Atula was proud of him, scared for when she starts to learn her training after their baby girl is born.

"How is she today?" Jake asked, finding Atula kneeled on the floor whilst she chopped up some fresh fruits Kiri and Tuk had picked.

Atula looked down to her bump, rubbing a warm hand over it before smiling softly.

"She is fine — isn't moving around as much today, though," Atula explained before Jake chuckled, leaning down to Atula's stomach before her eyebrows furrowed, "What are you doing?"

Jake shushed her, planting his cheek onto her stomach before mumbling words Atula couldn't form in her head.

Suddenly, Atula gasped as she felt her kick. Her hand flung to her stomach, fingertips grazing Jake's nose as she felt the place their baby started to kick.

"Maybe all she wanted was her daddy," Jake joked before Atula rolled her eyes, watching as he sat up.

She took this as her chance, Atula took Jake's hand into her own and put it on her bump, making him feel his daughters strong kicking.

Jake smiled to himself, slightly pressing into her stomach so he could feel her properly.

Atula watched the scene unfold, Jake's eyes began to glisten whilst his lips curled into a bright smile before a chuckle left his mouth. "She's strong, just like her dad," Jake said before Atula rolled her eyes, "Remember when I kicked you off the bed that time?"

"Hey, I was exhausted, it doesn't count, baby," That same petname that made Atula's heart flutter and her skin heat.

"It so does count..." Atula mumbled, Jake flicking his eyes up to meet her turned face.

He didn't want to fight against his. He really was tired that night, exhausted from hunting for the feast. All Jake wanted to do was sleep but Atula took his weak state for granted and pushed him off of the bed.

However, he saw the proudness consuming her bed as she explained that story. So, he let her have it.

"Jake," Atula started her sentence and waited for him to hum in response, "After she is born, will it be safe for us to visit my mother?"

Jake sighed, his shoulders slouching as his happy demeanour changed. "It isn't for long. A few days — a few hours. That is all I ask," Atula explained before Jake took her hand into his, soothing his thumb up and down.

"I can't make promises I can't keep, Atula, ya' know this," Jake stated before Atula nodded her head, knowing it was a longshot even questioning that, "I'm sorry."

"I don't need those apologies," Atula said. All she wanted was to keep her family safe.

"We could send a messenger. Get her to come here, will that make it better?" Jake questioned after suggesting a tatic. He'd too would like your mother to greet their newborn.

Atula smiled before she continued to chop the fruits, pouring them into four bowls for the children.

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