023, Light.

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That is what Atula felt, watching with large eyes as a light bright swam to them.

Tuk dipped her head beneath the surface before bringing it back up, "It's Kiri!"

Atula held onto her heart, silently thanking Eywa for bringing her oldest daughter to them. "Oh, Kiri," Atula said as she held onto Kiri's cheek, heart feeling warm as she knew they were going to be safe.

"It'll be fine, little sister," Kiri said to Tuk before turning to Atula, "Mom, I'm going to give you this. It will help you."

Atula turned around as Kiri placed the mantal onto her shoulders, helping to give her breath underwater. She held onto their hands, sinking deep beneath the surface.

Luckily, Kiri knew where to swim as she guided her mom and sister.

It had felt like eternity before they had broke surface and breathed heavily for air.

"Mom!" Lo'ak shouted, him and Jake resting atop of Payakan's fin. They all swam towards them, Jake's arms immediately wrapping around Atula's body as he rested his head into her neck.

He saw her, he felt her.

Jake made sure she was alive, feeling her heart and raising chest as she breathed — breathed. "I thought I lost you..." Jake whispered into Atula's eyes as she held tight onto Jake, one hand reaching over his shoulder to hold Lo'ak's hand.

It had only taken a couple of hours before Neteyam's body was took back to their pod.

Atula kneeled down besides him, brushing his braids from his face and stroking Neteyam's cheek.

Jake held Sirona in his arms, happy he could make it back to her in one piece.

"I am sorry, my sweet boy," Atula cried, resting her head against Neteyam's chest, wanting to hear his heartbeat, "I am so sorry we couldn't save you."

Jake looked down at her with tears in his eyes, squatting to hold his hand against her back.

Atula turned to face him, sadness filling her entire expression.

She didn't understand — why would Eywa take him away from them? "I don't want to bury him. What if his heart starts beating, Jake?" Atula asked him, yearning to feel Neteyam's sweet presence again.

That wasn't possible. He was gone, and they had to deal with their grieving.

Sirona looked down at Neteyam's body, a familiar smile filling her lips like it always did when Neteyam was around.

She was extremely young, but Atula could tell Neteyam was already her favourite.

"I know you want that, baby..." Jake began to talk and watched as Atula's eyes glossed over again, "We have to let him rest, okay? Then we can see him again, yeah."

Atula nodded before preparing Neteyam's body for his funeral.

Something no mother should have to do.

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