025, Always.

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"Are you ready?"

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"Are you ready?"

Atula wasn't even sure herself. She held onto her queue before turning to Jake, "Better now than later."

Jake held onto Atula's hand as they connected their queue's, linking their memories together and diving deep into their brains.

( "Mama!" Neteyam's little body shouted, running towards Jake and Atula with a large smile across his entire face.

Atula sighed in relief, watching as Neteyam held his bag full of rocks, he had collected, out to them both. "What have you got, my sweet boy?" Atula questioned Neteyam, not even caring for the way her throat burned as she spoke.

He tossed the bag onto the floor, opening it to reveal all the beautiful treasures.

Jake smiled brightly to himself, watching as Neteyam curiously showed different ones to his parents. "Ah boy," Jake reached his hand out to touch Neteyam's braids, "That'll teach you nothing!"

Atula rolled her eyes, "It is nice to have a hobby, Ma'Jake."

She leaned into his side, resting her chin on his shoulder before facing away from Neteyam.

This is exactly how the conversation went.

It was like Atula was back with him.

"Dad, is Mama okay?" Neteyam asked after noticing Atula's shoulders bounced with her cries, feeling as Neteyam wrapped his three fingers around her thigh.

Jake's stance slouched, tears falling from his eyes also. "Dad, why are you crying now?" Neteyam asked, he couldn't understand.

This isn't how it should be.

"I'm just happy to see you, boy," Jake held onto Neteyam's cheek, rubbing his thumb up and down as Atula turned to greet the affection.

Neteyam smiled innocently, "I'm happy to see you, too."

His hands reached for a small, blue stone and held it out to Atula.

It was the same one that was tied to her necklace in the pod. "This one is my favourite," Neteyam said before placing it into the small of Atula's hand.

"It is beautiful, sweet boy," Atula told him.

Neteyam closed Atula's fingers so she held onto the rock, "Keep it, mom! That way you will always be thinking of me."

Sweet, sweet Neteyam.

He didn't know how much she'd truly be thinking of him. Atula touched the rock to her heart, trying her best to not break into sobs again.

"I always will, Neteyam, always," Atula replied before holding his cheek in her hand, feeling the warmth of his skin making her heart jump. )

Fake Love,   Jake SullyWhere stories live. Discover now