003, Pregnant.

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( Three Months Pregnant )

What was wrong with Atula?

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What was wrong with Atula?

Over the past months, Atula had been feeling ill. Perhaps she had eaten something bad and needed to be treated for poisoning.

It could've been the illness but Atula's body had changed in three months.

She had been experiencing extreme nausea, raised temperature across her skin and food adversions.

Had she eaten something poor?

Dragging her sore feet towards Mo'at's hut, Atula entered with pale skin and uncomfortable expression on her features.

"Ma'Ite, is something wrong?" Tawkani questioned her daughter, standing to her feet before Mo'at scanned her entire body.

Tawkani held onto Atula's shoulders, helping her sit on the floor so she wouldn't faint and fall. "You are pale," Tawkani announced as she touched Atula's forehead, "And you are warm."

Mo'at knew this symptoms. She had seen many of them, she had also felt them twice.

"Mo'at, I am ill. I believe I have eaten something bad," Atula explained before Mo'at inched closer towards her, taking her needle and pricking Atula's stomach.

Her crimson blood dripped off the edge and fell onto her tongue, she hummed after tasting it.

And she was right, with her assumption.

"Ah, yes," Mo'at said before Tawkani leaned towards Mo'at, trying to capture an understanding of what was wrong with Atula. Worry was inching across her body, making her believe something worse has happened to Atula.

"It is not poisoning. It is something much better," Mo'at explained with a smile, Atula didn't understand. What was wrong with her?

She sighed: "What is it?"

"You, Atula Sully, are with child..."

Oh, oh. Atula's face twisted into a smile, hands placing onto her stomach as she felt the need to care for this child immediately.

She couldn't believe it was happening. Atula was pregnant, she was carrying their child. "Pregnant?" Atula repeated, declaring to herself that she was indeed pregnant.

"Yes, yes. Three months," Mo'at added on before Atula widened her eyes.

It had been three months already? Her child was three months along.

"Sa'nok..." She whispered to her mother, placing her head onto her chest before allowing chokes of small and happy sobs freely fall.

She was pregnant.

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