005, Bullets.

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( One Month Later
Four Months Pregnant )

Atula should've known better than to put herself in any type of danger

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Atula should've known better than to put herself in any type of danger.

Rounds of bullets surrounded her, shooting into the trunk of the tree that protected her. Bark scratching at her flesh, creating small and multiple cuts causing her to wince in pain.

She should've listened to Jake. She should've stayed put, but her mind was furious after hearing that Avatar's had captured and held her children captive. A immense feeling of protection coursed Atula's body, making her quick to save her children.

"Lo'ak!" She called out, hoping he could help her in anyway, not realising he had already took his chance to sprint away.

Atula placed her cold, blood-covered palm onto her stomach as she thought about her baby growing within. The sound of gunshots only frightening her more, knowing that the bullets would soon wound her body.

Rain trickled down Atula's body which helped her focus to her best ability. When hearing the bullets stop, Atula took this as her chance to run.

All she could think of was the children, and the one inside of her. That is all that mattered to her, keeping them safe, the only reason she had gone to this forbidden place in the first place.

Suddenly, Atula's feel lifted from the ground as an explosion hit close to her. Landing on the ground, feeling her head hit the tree, Atula stood almost immediately so they couldn't shoot at her body.

Hands covering her stomach, Atula sighed in relief once seeing Spider and Kiri's figures: "Oh, thank Eywa, you are safe."

She took their hands, dragging them to run with her as Kiri frowned from the cuts gracing Atula's skin. "Are you both okay? Nobody hurt you, right?" Atula questioned them, turning to face them once thinking they were safely out of bounds from the Avatar's.

"I'm o—" Spider's words were cut off as another explosion hit them, resulting in his body crashing down to the ground. "Spider!" Kiri yelled, peering over the edge of the trunk.

Atula hissed, steadying herself to climb down the tree but saw as the Avatar's found Spider first. "Kiri... go, go!" Atula yelled, taking her arm and running away so they wouldn't find their figures watching.

Atula was slow, her head was spinning from harshly hitting the tree beforehand.

She gripped tightly onto her skull, hoping to ease the pain as Kiri watched with worry, "Mom, does it hurt? We have to get to Grandmother."

Atula shook her head, pushing Kiri forwards but Kiri didn't want to move. She didn't want to leave her mom. "Mom, c'mon, you have to come," Kiri explained before taking Atula's hand, moving through the forest and helping her take steps, "Look, look, dad is there!"

"Mama?" Tuk asked once seeing the shadow appearing behind trees, unsure if it was Atula and Kiri.

Tuk gasped when seeing Atula's body, rushing towards her and wrapping her small arms around her thigh.

"Oh, Tuk..." Atula whispered as she rested her palm onto Tuk's head, slightly rubbing.

Lo'ak and Neteyam turned to face you, they ran to melt into your touch as they dragged Kiri into the hug. "You're okay, you're all okay," Atula declared to herself, arms trying to wrap around all four of ther bodies whilst she ignored her own pain and injuries.

"My sweet boy," Atula whispered as she kissed Neteyam's forehead, letting her cheek fall onto the same place.

Jake's held tilted at the view, admiring how much Atula truly cared for them all.

She even disregarded her own wounds to comfort them all.

He inched towards them, Lo'ak moving from Neteyam to create space for Jake. Atula took his arm into her palm, dragging him into the hug.

He covered them tightly with his arms, hands resting on Atula's shoulders before stroking his thumb against her bleeding skin. "Dad, we have to get mom to Grandmother," Kiri broke the silence — they cared for her also.

It made something flicker within his chest.

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