000, Respect.

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If looks could kill, Aweng would drop dead

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If looks could kill, Aweng would drop dead.

Jake watched the scene unfold from afar, his fingers curling at the end of his sharpened knife.

He watched Aweng place his hands, multiple times, across Atula's body despite her desperate attempts to make him stop.

All he would do is laugh, and grab her again.

This infuriated Jake. He stood from his crouching spot and began to walk over to them, Atula smiling in relief at the sigh of Jake's figure, "Oh, thank Eywa..."

"She said stop," Jake warned Aweng, pulling Atula's body behind his.

The strong fragrance of alcohol drifted into Jake's nose and he silently cursed. Intoxicated, or not, that was no way to treat his girl.

Atula placed a soft palm onto Jake's back, "It is okay, Jake. I just want to go."

Jake didn't listen to word Atula said, his anger bubbling as Aweng laughed to the previous warning. "Ma'Jake—" Jake cut Atula off by holding his hand up.

"You think it's funny, huh? Touching women without their permission," Jake said — it reminded him back on Earth.

How people would watch men abuse women on a daily and do nothing about it.

But, not him.

Sure, it got him in trouble most of the time but he couldn't stand back and let it happen.

Especially, when it came to Atula.

"Ya know what else is funny?" Jake asked before curling his fist into a ball, punching Aweng straight up into his chin.

Aweng fell to the ground with a grunt, holding onto his gushing nose. "Come back when you've got some respect, bitch," Jake finished.

He turned around to Atula, watching as her three-fingered hand covered her mouth in shock.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He questioned, looking over her body for any injuries. "Ma'Jake, I am okay..." Atula assured, holding onto his shaking hands and dragging him from the area, leaving Aweng to save his own sorry ass.

It was later on in the day, all the children had been put to bed.

Jake rested on a log outside of their pod, sharpening his knife.

Atula sighed, walking towards him and placing herself on his lap. "Thank you..." She said, resting her cheek onto his shoulder.

He couldn't help the smile that filled his lips, placing the knife on the floor and holding tight onto Atula's waist, "I wouldn't let anything happen to you, baby."

The words were like music to her ears.

"I know — that is why I thank you," She replied with a simple peck to his lips.

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