020, Attack.

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"Dad... I mean, Devil Dog. Do you read me?"

Atula's golden eyes fell onto Jake, worry exploring her features.

What had they gotten themselves into now? "Lo'ak?" Jake asked as he held onto his neck-piece and handed Sirona to Atula.

She rocked their little girl, trying to calm her own nerves also. "We're with a Tulkun, who is under attack. Gunship inbound! It's about two clicks away," Atula gasped at Lo'ak's explanation, realising how close they were to danger.

Jake closed his eyes. The one he didn't want to happen, was becoming reality.

"Who's with you?" Questioned Jake.

"It's all of us! Ao'nung and Tsireya too. We're at the three brothers rocks," Lo'ak said, Jake running a frustrated hand through his hair once learning Tonowari's kids were with him.

He turned to face Atula, placing a comforting hand onto her cheek, "Get to cover and do not engage. Alright, you hear me? Do not engage. We are coming."

Remembering back to the celebration, Atula found out there was a small group of families who cared for children, if needed.

This was a needed time. Atula couldn't leave her children without her protection, they needed her and Jake to help them.

So, Atula left Sirona with those kind families.

Sirona would be safer with them, than she ever would be with Atula and Jake.

Jake held onto Atula's hand, dragging her around to find Ronal and Tonowari. "The kids are under attack, they're defending a Tulkun... It's your kids, too," Jake warned them both, Ronal looking directly at Atula's scared expression.

"The demon ship?" Asked Tonowari.

"Yes!" Jake replied, leaving Ronal and Tonowari to ready themselves for battle.

Jake doing the same, he prepared his body with weapons before revealing a hidden gun and Atula took her trusty bow and arrows.

She turned to face him, immediately fixing a plan within her head: get her Ikran, and then get her children back. Jake smiled at Atula, watching as she inched towards him.

He placed a hand onto her cheek, their yellow eyes meeting in despair.

All it took was once look at Atula's war-ready body for his eyes to swell, "Be safe..."

Atula's throat was lodged, bringing her forehead to touch Jake's, "You be safe, Ma'Jake."

Jake pressed a small kiss to Atula's head and they pulled apart. She called for Hetu, the adrenaline filling her body as she mounted the purple banshee.

Following the people in the water, Atula watched as her children were tied on the ship. "No..." She whispered to herself, noticing one of Quaritch's men holding a gun to Lo'ak's temple.

That triggered something in Atula, and her mind went blank. Not a thought, nothing but anger and protection, filled her head.

A deep hiss left Atula's throat as she began to secretly fly towards them, sneaking her Ikran around the back of the ship so she wouldn't be spotted by anyone.

She lifted her bow, striking it directly into the heart of the one that held Lo'ak hostage.

"Let go of my children, demon!" Atula yelled to Quaritch, shooting anybody, with her arrows, that dared to stop her.

Quaritch chuckled at Atula, hearing the angered voice of Jake in his ear, "Don't you fucking touch her." It only made Atula more prized to them.

"Your kids? What happened to that other girl, Neytiri? You know, the one you betrayed your own kind for," Quaritch reminded Jake, cocking his head to one of the Avatar's that creeped behind Atula.

Atula cried in pain as she felt her knees slam the metal underneath her.

"Mama!" Tuk shouted, watching as Atula was dragged by her hair and whimpered in pain before being tied up besides them. "It is okay, my children. Remember, mawey," Atula whispered to them all, wanting to reach out and hold them.

"Shut up!" The girl, Z-Dog, warned Atula.

She turned and hissed, only earning a sharp pain in her side as Z-Dog tasered Atula. She begged for her to stop, and she did.

"No, no, Ma'Jake..." Atula said, noticing Jake began to move closer to the ship.

Quaritch continued to hold the gun against Lo'ak's nape, after Atula had killed his man, he had no choice to hold it himself.

The ship rocked, Tuk looking around in confusion as no huge waves had hit them.

Suddenly, Atula's body was flung in the air as Payakan jumped onto the ship. She didn't even care for her body thrashing against the metal surrounding her, Payakan was helping her children survive this.

The water rippled from the gunshots aimed at Payakan, knowing it was barely damage the Tulkun. If anything, they were wasting their ammunition.

"Neteyam!" Tuk yelled.

Atula's heart dropped once seeing Neteyam inch towards them, instantly cutting Atula's band.

"Oh, my sweet boy," Atula said, rubbing his cheek and kissing his forehead before allowing him to free the others.

Atula turned, picking her bow and arrows up, silently thanking Eywa they hadn't broke from Payakan's rescue.

"Do you need help, little brother?" Neteyam moved to Lo'ak, "Get Tuk out of here... Who's the mighty warrior?"

Lo'ak only shook his head and glared at Atula after she had chuckled.

Although, that laughter didn't last long as Atula pierced a random Avatar with her arrow. Once again, protecting her boys. "Nice shot, mom," Lo'ak said, Neteyam nodding in agreement.

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