015, Comfort.

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( One Month Later
Nine Months Pregnant )

"You aren't cutting them small enough!"

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"You aren't cutting them small enough!"

Jake laughed at Atula's words, holding his hands out in defence.

The children had decided to spend some time out in the sea today, leaving Jake and Atula to cook their families meal alone when the others usually offered to help out.

"How else are you supposed to cut them?" Jake tilted his head to Atula, she rolled her eyes before chopping his food into smaller pieces.

"You have spent many years as Na'vi, and still do not know how to cut our food," Atula said before Jake laughed again, disbelief filling that laughter which caused Atula to escape a chuckle, "I'm sorry. That was harsh."

Jake sighed, "It's okay. I didn't know how to cook back on Earth either."

Atula smiled, she knew how difficult Jake's life was back in Earth — it is part of the reason they didn't really talk about it.

This was his home. This was were he was meant to be all along, in Pandora.

Atula caught sight of the weather behind Jake, realising the children were soon going to come back home. That was until Tonowari walked by their pod, sadness filling his features.

She stood to her feet, taking Jake's hand and dragging him towards Tonowari.

"What's wrong?" Jake asked Tonowari, Atula tilting her head high to greet his face.

"Sky-people — they're looking for you, Jake Sully," Atula knew it was going to happen but what she didn't want was it to happen so soon, "South. They have a human boy who speaks Na'vi."

Spider? Of course it was Spider.

Jake's hand tightened around Atula's after hearing those words, rain dripping down his skin before closing his eyes to speak, "Did they kill anybody?"

"Not yet," Tonowari pronunciated his words, "They threaten but the villages will not tell them where you are, by my order."

Atula was growing more frustrated with the conversation.

Why couldn't they let them be happy?

They knew Jake had children, a 'wife', a family. And yet, Quaritch was still stuck on something he did fifteen years ago.

Atula excused herself from the conversation and walked back into the pod, immediately wiping her eyes with the skin of her arm.

The sniffling of her nose gave her crying away whilst her back was turned from Jake. He walked in, heart dropping at the sight of Atula's shaking body as she quietly sobbed.

Jake walked closer to her, placing his hand onto her shoulder which made Atula turn around and melt into his chest.

He was taken back, wrapping his arms around her back before propping his chin on the top of her head. "It isn't fair, Jake," Atula said before Jake nodded, understanding what she was trying to say, "We have to do something before somebody gets killed."

Jake felt her tears fall onto his skin, making him close his eyes and defeat the tears that threatened to fall also.

"We are not doing anything, yet. That is what they went, okay?" Jake told her.

Atula pulled away from him, Jake's hands settling on both of her cheeks before wiping tears away. She didn't want to do anything until their little girl was born anyways.

She sat back on the floor, Jake coming besides her until his thigh touched hers.

They continued to cook the dinner, all the Sully kids running in drenched from the rain that fell down on Awa'atlu.

"Mama, mama, I'm cold!" Tuk complained before Atula laughed and covered her body with a knitted blanket.

"Come, my children, eat our feast and you will all soon warm up," Atula smiled before handing them their plates, running a gentle hand across all of their cheeks before they sat to eat.

Jake smiled at the sight, soon joining the little circle with his bowl, "What'd you get up to today?" Atula's head cocked up, interested to hear their stories.

"Lo'ak was with the ikran's," Atula placed a story in for Lo'ak, remembering how he told Atula he was going to see Payakan.

"We made you a top with Tsireya," Kiri said before pulling out a top.

It was a woven one, green in colour but had white seashells and pearls knitted into it.

"Thank you, Kiri and Tuk," Atula smiled before laying the top onto the floor, out of the way so it wouldn't be touched or broken.

She sat back down, looking at Neteyam. "And you, my sweet boy?" Atula asked before his eyes flicked to Lo'ak, clearing his throat. "Nothing much, mom," He smiled up at her, continuing to eat their meal as a family.

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