006, Acting.

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( Four Months Pregnant )

"You should've listened to me! I told you to stay put," Jake's shouting made Atula's ears fall against her head, her tail stopped swinging and seized straight

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"You should've listened to me! I told you to stay put," Jake's shouting made Atula's ears fall against her head, her tail stopped swinging and seized straight.

Jake didn't care for his harsh tone, or the way his words hurt her, because he was too indulged into thinking Atula placed their unborn at risk.

His eyes didn't glance at her face once, watching his fingers swatch the yalnabark into her wounds. Jake resented that Atula ignored him, knowing she had good intentions only made him gentler on her.

Jake knew Atula liked to be independent. It was something he actually liked about her.

He also knew that that independence led to more expressive emotions within her, one of those emotions being protectiveness. But, he couldn't see this as her independence — Jake saw it as her being reckless.

"What if you had gotten more harmed, eh? If they had touched you," Jake didn't even want to think of that.

They would have no remorse to her being pregnant, they'd do anything to harm them knowing that would harm him.

Tears began to consume Atula's eyesight. She was once happy, cuddling your children as you felt their warm, alive skin. However, now, Atula was too scared to even crack a smile.

Jake was angry — she knew he was angry. Smiling at the thought of the safe children would only making him angrier, thinking she would be smiling at the fact she placed herself, and the baby, in great danger.

"You never cared before. Don't act like you care now," Atula responded to all his words.

Jake's fingers haltered, a heavy sigh leaving his nose before throwing the pace-filled bowl towards Atula's feet. "Why wouldn't I care now? You're carrying my baby..." Jake exclaimed, watching as Atula rubbed the paste into her slashed forehead.

His hands ran agitatedly across his features, "Jesus, Atula, you like to make things difficult."

Her headache only worsened, Jake's shouting wasn't helping either, "I think you're forgetting it is ours."

Jake looked down at her, softening his expression once seeing her rub headache oil onto her temples. 'Had I done this to her?' He questioned himself, slowly squatting down to meet Atula's eyesight.

"We have to leave."

Atula wasn't expecting that to fall from Jake's lips. Leave? What did he mean by leave?

She wouldn't allow that. The forest was her home, it was where the children were raised and her mother lived. Jake levelled his fingertips to Atula's head, helping rub the cool oil onto her entire forehead.

"Jake, are you asking me to leave here?" Atula asked him, meeting his yellow eyes. Jake took Atula's hands into his, waving them around as he explained the situation, "It's not safe here. It isn't safe for the kids — it's going to be worse when those bastards find out we have a new addition. I can't risk you being hurt."

Atula knew he was only saying this because she was pregnant.

If she wasn't, nothing of the sort would be leaving his throat.

As soon as these remaining six months were complete, and Atula gave birth, Jake will go back to being his cold, unbothered self.

"First, you deprive me of any type of loving affection. You took away the one thing every Na'vi wants, something I wanted! You took away my adulthood, Jake. You are not going to take me away from my home too..." Atula explained before ripping her hands away from Jake's, standing to her feet as she paced the ground.

Jake stood, watching with sadness at Atula walked whilst biting her nails.

"You're not going to disobey this time. I'm doing this to keep us safe, something a father is meant to do. I don't care if you like it, or not, Atula," Jake responded before Atula turned to face him with angered features.

He had pissed her off now — to the max, "And what do I tell my Sa'nok? She needs me, Jake."

Jake shrugged his shoulders, he hadn't thought about this thoroughly. Atula shook her head, hissing at him when she left the hut.

She walked towards Tawkani's, watching as her children played with Tuk's wooden statues. "Hello, Ma'Ite," Tawkani greeted, seeing Tuk place herself into Atula's lap once she was seated against a mat.

"Hi," Atula smiled before smushing her cheek onto the top of Tuk's head.

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