002, Begging!

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Atula should've never asked

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Atula should've never asked.

The excruciating pace of Jake's fast thrusts made his hips against hers, his member attacking Atula's heat.

Jake was being merciless towards Atula — too merciless.

The sticky sweat trickled down Atula's forehead, making strands of braids stick to her flesh whilst the her cheeks flushed the purple shade of pleasure.

"Ja—" She tried to speak but her voice got lodged within her throat as he thrusted quicker.

Jake knew how to handle Atula. He also knew the right way to pleasure her.

Her fingertips moved to Jake's muscles, digging and bruising his arm before he winced once feeling her fingernails break the first layer of his skin.

However, Jake was too trapped within his satisfaction to acknowledge Atula's discomfort with his fast rutting.

"Jake," She managed to speak but he was too fuzzy to hear anything.

"This is what you wanted, huh?" Jake questioned Atula, hips still moving the way they were beforehand.

His palms moved to rest on Atula's hips, stopping her from squirming and moving beneath him.

Jake knew Atula wanted children, knowing she had been denying herself of wanting them, for his sake.

Raising four children, with no previous experience, was difficult for Atula and somewhat simpler for Jake.

He knew adding one more would only raise the stress levels.

But, he couldn't help and think the clan would believe this relationship was more realistic with a pregnancy — their child on the way.

Was he doing this for himself? Maybe. But, he had promised Atula several years before.

"This means— nothing," Jake announced, causing Atula to stare at his closed eyes.

She knew it meant nothing.

Atula knew from the moment they first had sex, how Jake was so distant from her.

He used sex, with Atula, as a chance to relieve any emotions he was feeling all that day: anger, sadness, stress.

Also the moment Jake told Atula he didn't want to create tsaheylu, and how he never kissed her during sex.

Those two things were too intimate, and sensual, for Jake — they were reserved for Neytiri.

Atula didn't force him to do so, not wanting to make him uncomfortable or despise her even more.

"Begging to have my baby," Jake added on, rutting deeper and faster into Atula, "Pathetic."

Atula gasped at the new position, feeling as Jake tilted his hips upwards to touch the sweet and gummy spot within Atula.

"Please, please," Atula begged before squeezing tighter onto Jake's arm, eyes closing as she felt she was going to faint.

Jake snapped into reality, looking down at Atula and noticing the warm tears streaming down her cheeks. "Atula?" He asked.

She felt him slow, allowing herself to relax under him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean—" Jake wanted to talk but he was silenced by Atula placing her finger onto his lips.

He hummed, understanding what she wanted as he continued to thrust into Atula.

The pain Atula felt subsided, strained moans of pleasure escaping her throat and leaking into the dark atmosphere surrounding them.

Jake softened his palms on her waist, taking one of them and placing it onto her buldging stomach causing him to laugh, "Yeah, you feel that?"

Atula looked at him with almost crossed eyes, hands fluttering to meet Jake's as she groaned at his dick poking out of her stomach.

She nodded her head, digging deeper into the mat behind her. "Mhm," She replied, sinking her bottom lip behind her teeth.

Jake lifted his hand, wiping the wetness off her cheek and the stray tears from her chest.

"Jake, 'm close," Atula told him, legs wrapping around his waist to bring him closer, "Go, go faster."

Jake followed her orders, lifting higher to plunge himself faster in Atula.

He shivered at the feeling, her pulsating heat making him reach closer to his finish. "Me too," Jake replied.

A familiar fog filled Atula's mind, stomach tightening and her thighs began to warm. From that, Atula knew she was close to cumming.

Soon, the band snapped inside of Atula's stomach as her pussy tightened around Jake's member, her body shook greatly as she moaned out her orgasm.

"Oh, fuck..." Jake whispered, pushing inside of her again, again, and again.

He thrusted deep until the sound of his whimpers filled the air, hips stuttering against yours whilst his hot, white seed filled Atula's womb.

He didn't stop rutting until he knew he was finished leaking, finished breeding her.

"That was good, baby," Atula's eyes flicked towards Jake's once hearing the petname fall from his lips.

It wasn't common he called her that, why would he? She wasn't his 'baby.'

Jake pulled out of her, quickly shoving his liquid back into her before Atula moaned quietly at the feeling.

"We gotta get back to the kids," Jake told Atula, cleaning his member with a spare cloth before putting his loincloth back on, "C'mon." Jake held onto Atula's wrist, pulling her up before using the cloth to wipe her heat clean.

"Up," He said, sliding the loincloth up her legs once she was standing. "You okay?" Jake questioned, laughing at Atula as she couldn't stand without wobbling.

"Yeah, yes. I'm okay," Atula slurred before trying to shake off the feeling. "To the kids," She said before walking from the hut, watching as people stared at her.

Jake followed close behind, seeing those stare at Atula's state, somewhat proud of himself.

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