021, Home.

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Atula held onto Neteyam's cheek and Lo'ak's jawline, "Go, get out of here!"

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Atula held onto Neteyam's cheek and Lo'ak's jawline, "Go, get out of here!"

They reluctantly obliged her orders, although Neteyam didn't want to leave Atula as he held onto her wrist.

It pained them — leaving her. But, she had to do what was needed to protect them. "I love you both, so much..." Atula told them before they jumped from the ship, Atula feeling the water splash against her body.

She stood at the end of the gunship, calling out for Hetu once again before mounting her. "Mawey, Hetu," She stroked Hetu's skin, attatching their tendrils together.

Atula flew into the sky, realising it was getting darker with every passing minute.

She watched the blue beneath her, trying to seek Jake's body amongst others.

That was until panic settled after Atula couldn't find him. Thinking of Sirona at home, she couldn't lose her dad. Atula couldn't lose her mate, her husband.

"Ma'Jake!" She called out for him, Hetu skimming the surface of the water.

Her voice trembled, her body shaking. "Please, Ma'Jake!" She called again, no response.

Anybody could be lurking underneath these waters, ready to drag Jake's mate beneath and replace the the air in her lungs with water.

Hetu continued to fly before Atula noticed multiple dark-blue bodies scattered across a large rock.

"You're here..." Atula said as she landed on the rock, jumping from Hetu.

That was when Atula's eyes caught Neteyam's body shivering on the floor. "Neteyam, what—what happened?" Atula questioned before immediately running to Neteyam's side and crouching down to his body.

Neteyam smiled at the sight of Atula, gripping her thigh tightly to advert the pain.

"Hi, mom," Neteyam said, voice weak as ever.

Atula's lips frowned as her eyes filled with water, "No, mom, do not cry. It is okay."

It wasn't okay. Nothing about this was okay. Atula pressed her head against Neteyam's chest as she listened to his slowing heartbeat, "I never— I never thanked you for everything you have done for us. Mom, I love you."

Atula lifted her head to meet Neteyam's face, hand reaching to hold his cheek comfortingly. "I would do anything for you, Neteyam. I love you."

Neteyam smiled, feeling Atula scan his features that reminded her so much of Neytiri. She couldn't believe how much he looked like her.

Neteyam turned back to Jake, "I want to go home."

This broke Atula's heart, hearing how Neteyam struggled to even say words. Jake looked down at Neteyam with flattened ears, "I know. I know. We're going home."

Neteyam's heavy breathing was heard, Atula taking his hand into hers and squeezing it. She's doing anything to help him focused on making his heart keep beating.

"It's okay," Jake told Neteyam.

Atula nodded in agreement, helping make Neteyam less scared.

"My sweet boy..." Atula said, bending down to lean her forehead against Neteyam's.

"Dad, I—" That was when she felt it, his last breath.

It fanned her face, Neteyam's chest stopped moving and his hand fell limp in Atula's grip.

She lifted her head, noticing Neteyam's pupils had dilated and washed of colour. Atula couldn't understand — he couldn't be dead. She was just holding him, stroking his cheek, calling him her sweet boy. Little did Atula know, that was going to be her last time.

"Neteyam, no..." Atula said, her voice breaking.

Jake looked at her, his hands resting against her shoulder to try and comfort her. "No, no, my sweet boy, come back to me," Atula cried as she pulled Neteyam's body to her chest, hoping her heart would make his beat.

Jake felt numb, he had just lost his son, his mighty warrior and firstborn. He didn't know how to react, watching as Atula cried for Neteyam to come back to her, cursing Eywa for taking him away from them.

"Mom?" Lo'ak asked in delayed shock, looking down at his blood-covered hands.

Atula gently set Neteyam down, kissing his forehead before looking at Lo'ak. She ripped some of her loincloth off and dipped it into the water surrounding them, wiping Lo'ak's hands clean to he wouldn't be more distraught.

This shouldn't have happened. Atula shouldn't be grieving the death of her son, she shouldn't be wiping his blood from her other son.

Her tears blinded her sight, only becoming more agitated as she wiped the blood from Lo'ak's hands. Lo'ak looked up at her, his hands hurting from her harsh actions, "Mom, mom..."

He brought Atula back to reality, holding Atula's hands in his.

"Where are your sisters?" Jake looked to Lo'ak, "Your sisters! Where are they?"

Tsireya turned to Jake, still pressing on Neteyam's legs, "On the ship. They are tied up on the ship."

"They're at the moonpool. On the wall deck, amidships," Spider announced, trying to tell Jake where they were but Jake only grew confused at his words. "What?" He asked in return.

"Come, I'll show you," Spider replied.

Atula looked down at Neteyam, her heart wrenching and her body aching.

She stood, walking towards Jake until he captured her in his arms so she wouldn't fall to the ground. "I'm coming with you," Atula announced, Jake closing his eyes at her words.

He held onto her arms, Jake had already lost his son and he couldn't lose Atula too.

"Don't let this anger get you killed," Jake reminded Atula, knowing that he couldn't stop her no matter how hard he detested.

Atula nodded, not even cracking a smile before mounting Hetu, ready to find these bastards that killed Neteyam.

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