007, Goodbye.

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( Four Months Pregnant )

Tawkani held Atula close to her chest, attempting to calm her sobs

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Tawkani held Atula close to her chest, attempting to calm her sobs.

Atula saying goodbye to Tawkani was one of the most hardest things she could ever do, especially after losing her father.

It had been years since the first war, the Sky-people had killed multiple Na'vi's and one happened to be her father, Pa'nu. Ever since then, Tawkani and Atula's bond was unbreakable. They both couldn't bear losing another member of their small family.

"It is okay, Ma'Ite," Tawkani soothed Atula, dragging her hand through Atula's braids which caused her beads to rattle once letting go.

She didn't want to leave, that was the obvious, the forest was her home. It was the place Pa'nu, and Neytiri, were buried — the place she could meet them within her memories.

"It isn't okay, Sa'nok. I promised I would never leave you," Atula explained before lifting her head and greeting Tawkani's eyes.

Tawkani smiled softly, hand reaching to hold her daughter's cheek, "You have yourself, and a family to protect. That is more important, I will be fine here with Mo'at."

Atula sighed before pulling herself together, knowing Tawkani and Mo'at helped each other recover after the deaths of their mates. "I will come visit, once the baby is born," Atula explained before smiling and leaning into Tawkani's touch, feeling as her thumb wiped the tears away.

A few hours later, Atula stood with Tuk resting on her hip.

She watched Jake kneel, Tarsem standing strongly in front of him. He let out a yell, bringing the knife harshly to his chest before allowing it to scrape at Jake's skin.

Tears escaped her eyes as she walked through the crowd, hugging her mother that stood at the bottom. "Goodbye, Sa'nok," Atula whispered against her neck before Neteyam pulled her away with them all.

She mounted Hetu, Jake helping to secure Tuk on top of the ikran.

His palm rested too long on Atula's thigh, rubbing it up and down as he tried to calm her. Atula looked down at him, frowning through her tears, "I am sorry, Atula."

Atula didn't resist his touch, instead she moved herself closer to touch his shoulder. "It is okay," She reminded him, moving to make sure Tuk was secured.

Hetu stepped off the edge of the cliff, widening its wings so it could fly — fly away from home.

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