Chapter 02

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The door flung open. Dave shuts off the lighter. He lifted his head. Noticing Kurt was wearing his pajamas. Just a pair of plaided pants and a navy colored sweater.

"Hi!" Kurt greeted again. His eyes looked on the verge of passing out. This high was different..and Dave knew that.

"Hi." Dave repeated softly. Getting up from the stair that he was sitting on. He walked up the remaining steps.

Just completely out of random, Kurt went over and hugged Dave.

Dave's eyes widen. He slowly wrapped his arms around the now bright red headed male.

"Mm.." Kurt hummed as he tucked his face into Dave's neck. "I'm fucked!" He exclaimed, his voice slurring from exhaustion.

"Hey, hey. Shh." Dave mumbled. His brown eyes couldn't pull themselves away from that bright red hair.

He really wants to touch it.

But he froze. Feeling a pair of soft lips, kissing Dave's neck. Dave's face warmed up.

Lightly gripping Kurt's back, as he stiffled his breath. Remaining his composure.

"Kurt, nonononono. You have a girlfriend, you're high out of your mind!"

In which he got a whine in response. Kurt pulled his head back. His long red hair strands covering a bit of his face.

"What?" Kurt mumbled. He looked, hurt. Dave sighed, softly. Placing his hands onto Kurt's shoulders.

"We can't." Dave says, even though in his mind he really wants too. Kurt leaned in closer, his lips about to touch Dave's.

"She won't know.." Kurt whispered on them. His dilated pupils staring up at Dave with love.

Dave bit his bottom lip. Staring down at Kurt's Red Lips. He really felt the feelings crawling up his spine now.

"Oh, please." Kurt whispered, wrapping his arms around Dave's neck. Having his body lightly pressed up against the drummer.

Dave was starting to loose control at this point. He turned his head, feeling Kurt's lips against his jawline.

"I know I have a girlfriend now..but, she's been hurting me." Kurt muttered as he tucked his face back into Dave's neck.

Dave felt suddenly anger about the woman. He lightly gripped Kurt's back. Feeling the sweater in his hands.

"Hurting you?" Dave repeated. But sighed as he felt the soft kisses to his neck.

"Oh yes, Davey. Just the worst.." Kurt admitted. Lifting his head and looking up at Dave with blown pupils.

"Kurt, we can talk about this when you're sober. Okay?" Dave informed. Staring deeply into Kurt's eyes.

Kurt played with the back of Dave's head. Tangling his fingers into the long dark haired locks. He leaned in, and just like that - his lips are crashed into Dave's.

Dave couldn't help but return the kiss. Slowly the frontman pulled back. He is on the verge of passing out by now.

Which relaxed Dave's nervousness. He lifted Kurt up in his arms. Staring at the blond with love.

"I know you won't remember this when you're sober." Dave admitted. Staring deeply into Kurt's eyes.

"I'll remember..! I'll remember the kisses..!" Kurt tried to reassure, but he was unsure himself.

The drummer carried Kurt down the hallway.

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