Chapter 29

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But that didn't last long because the couple are awoken by Frances beginning to cry and wail.

Kurt woke up first. He quickly rushed out of bed and went over. Picking up Frances in his arms.

"Oh no! My poor baby.." Kurt muttered as he walked over to the rocking chair. He takes a seat on it.

Dave yawned as he sits up. "what happened, hon?" He tiredly asks. Running a hand through his dark colored locks.

Kurt sighed, rocking Frances back to sleep as he hummed softly. He murmured, "she had a nightmare it seemed."

" she okay?" Dave asks as he gets out of the bed. Kurt nodded as he contuined to slowly cradle and rock his child to comfort.

Frances stopped wailing. Her cheeks are rosy. But a little smile is on her face.

"Hi, baby." Kurt whispered as he rubbed Frances's back. Soon enough, he stopped cradling her and just lightly pats her back.

The sound of the rain hissing outside was the only sound that can be heard. It was a relaxing sound for the family.

Dave lightly kissed his boyfriend's head. Before glancing at the child. "She ok?" He asks again.

Kurt nodded. "Yeah, honey. She's much better now." He replied. Dave sighed in relief.

"That's good..I just wanted to make sure." Dave replied. His brown eyes look at the child in Kurt's arms.

He couldn't help but smile. And Frances returned the smile. Before she gave out a dramatic baby yawn.

"Oh, my..such a big yawn." Kurt spoke softly as he kissed her little cheek. "I love you."

Frances cooed as her head is laying on her father's chest. Dave kissed Frances's little blond head.

"We love you." Dave whispered to Frances. Making the child smile one last time before her eyes fluttered shut.

She fell asleep again. Kurt sighed as he carefully gets up from the chair. He looked at Dave. "she can sleep in between us."

"Sounds good to me." Dave agreed, in a soft quiet voice.

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