Chapter 06

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So, it was completely true. Dave wasn't necessarily sober that night. Since he did drink a bottle or two to help cope.

But he completely remembers everything. Which shocked the drummer. Doesn't alcohol make you forget things?

Dismissing it, he sits on the couch. The bottle of aspirin in his hand. He gripped it so tight that his knuckles turned white.

Soft footsteps came down the stairs. Kurt Cobain entered the living room. Wearing his signature green cardigan, his flipper tee and a pair of baggy jeans. His hair still bright red as ever.

His neck was completely littered in hickeys. Varying in all different sizes. Dave felt the little hairs on his neck stand up.

Kurt went over. Wincing as he takes a seat on the couch. "Hand me that aspirin, won't you?" He asks.

Dave handed it over. His brown eyes avoiding to look at Kurt. His heart sank with guilt.

Kurt opened the aspirin, placing a few in his mouth and swallowing it dry. He is completely sobered up too, since the shower helped get rid of the rest of the highly daze.

He shuts the pill bottom to a close. Tossing it on the coffee table. Shifting himself as he tucked up his knees.

The remote in his hand as he is flicking through the channels on the boxed TV. Like nothing even happened.

Dave bit his lip. He grabbed the remote out of Kurt's hand and turned the TV off. Making Kurt scoff and asked, "What the hell?"

"We need to talk." Dave says, serious. He turned his head to look at Kurt. Admiring the bright red locks for a moment before looking deeply into Kurt's cerulean blue eyes.

"What?" Kurt asked. Moving some hair off his neck to expose the hickeys even more to the drummer.

Was that a sick joke? Does Kurt know about the hickeys?

Dave scoffed. "don't do that." He snapped, moving Kurt's hair back to cover the marks.

Kurt loosely crossed his arms. "Why are those hickeys even there..? I don't even remember Courtney leaving them on me last night."

Dave felt the anger wash away. Now with a regretting heart ache. His face twisted with fear and heartbreak.

"Um." Dave began. His voice cracking as tears rise in his eyes. "Do you remember anything besides your bright red cherry hair..?"

Kurt shakes his head. Confused on why Dave is about to cry. He furrowed his eyebrows. "No, I don't." He answered.

Dave hiccuped into a few sobs. "Shit..! I'm so sorry..!" His emotions came flooding out.

Kurt tilted his head naively to the side. He placed a hand onto Dave's shoulder. "Hey, hey..calm down."

"No!" Dave screamed back. Sobbing as he hides his face into his knees.

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