Chapter 26

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Kurt held the baby in his arms. Cooing softly as he pats Frances's back. His daughter began to fall asleep.

Courtney wiped her eyes. "For a few months..please treat her well, Kurt. Don't do anything stupid."

Kurt laughed her remark off. Holding the baby in his arms. He kissed his daughter's head.

"I don't plan on doing anything dumb.." Kurt replied. Courtney felt a smile rise on her face.

Meanwhile Dave is upstairs and setting up the baby stuff in the room. Courtney suddenly says. "The crib is out in the yard. You can ask Krist and Dave to help carry it up. Thanks, Kurt. Treat her good."

"Krist isn't home. Can you help out with Dave?" Kurt asks. "He went out of state with Shelli." He further explained.

Courtney rolled her eyes. "Oh well alright." She sneered under her breath. Kurt smiled as Dave entered back down the stairs.

"Where's the crib?" Dave asks as he went back to the front door. Meanwhile Kurt is holding his baby in his arms and sitting on the couch.

Dave and Courtney are carrying the crib up the stairs. Grunting as out of breath as they carried the furniture//bed up the stairs.

Kurt noticed Frances began to cry from the loud noise. "Oh shh, baby.. daddy's here. Daddy's got you." He whispered as he started to softly pat his baby's back.

Frances has little tears rolling down her rosy cheeks. Kurt hummed softly as he comforted his crying daughter.

Since the loud noises stopped, Frances calmed down. Her blue eyes staring up at her father.

Kurt smiled as he leaned his head down. Lightly kissing Frances's cheek. "Daddy loves you." He whispered.

Meanwhile upstairs,

The crib is in the corner of Dave's bedroom. Courtney is adding sheets and blankets to the small baby crib.

Meanwhile Dave is adding little wall decor that was packed in the bags. Such as little glow in the dark stars on the wall.

Courtney sighed. Wiping the sweat off her forehead. "You sure you can take care of her?" She asks to the drummer.

Dave nodded. "O-oh, yeah Im pretty sure Kurt and i can. " He responded. Feeling confident but a pinch of being nervous.

"Thank you, so much Dave. I know I may be a bitch or whatever you say. But Kurt deserves his child." Courtney says as she pats Dave's shoulder.

Her voice suddenly grew annoyed as she says, "Hurt my baby or Cobain I'll make sure you'll get the beating."

Dave scoffed. "I've never lay a finger on Kurt. And I'll never hit a newborn. What the hell?"

Courtney forced a smile. "just making sure. By the way, how have Kurt and you been doing..?"

Dave scratched the back of his head. "Oh fine. Actually Kurt is happy. With me." He emphasized. Narrowing his eyes at the woman.

Courtney rolled his eyes. "Well that's fantastic. I should be on my way now. Treat Frances well or I swear to God."

"She will be fine! I promise!" Dave shouted. Courtney giggled. "Damn, you take things so serious."

"Well, I am serious! I will be taking care of Frances with Kurt on my side! I will raise this child!" Dave says, his voice getting more and more protective.

Courtney scoffed. "Alright! I fucking know that! That's why I brought her here."

The two left the room. Walking down the stairs. Dave quickly went over to where Kurt and Frances are.

"Bye.", Courtney says as she left the house. Not even saying anything else.

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