Chapter 21

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That's what they did for the evening. They made edibles. Once they finished baking, Kurt takes them out of the oven.

They take in the smell of scented cookies with the pinch of the mary-j scent.

"Smells good." Kurt says as he eyed the cookies. Licking his lips. Dave wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist.

"You gotta wait for them to cool down a bit, babe. You don't want to burn your tongue on those." Dave says as he kisses Kurt's neck.

Kurt laughed as he felt the kiss. "Hey! That tickles!" He exclaimed. Dave hummed, as he his lips traveled across the marks on Kurt's neck. The hickeys.

He started to kiss Kurt's neck again. Making the bright red haired man giggle and squirm a bit. "Davey! Stop! Not right now!" He squealed out.

Dave moved his head back. Completely understanding this as he rubbed Kurt's hips affectionately. "Wasn't planning that, babe. Just kissing my baby." He teased.

Lowering his head and connecting his lips with Kurt. Kurt returned the kiss. They kissed in a soft passionate kiss.

Pulling back, the couple smiled at each other. Warm smiles resting on their lips as they stared in each other's eyes.

"I love you." Kurt says.
"I love you, too." Dave replied.

Kurt reached a hand out for a cookie. "These better make me high." He snapped, making Dave laugh. "Oh they will, babe. Ever tried an edible?"

Kurt shakes his head. "Nah, I usually just smoke it from how it is." He replied, picking up the delicious cookie treat.

"I've tried edibles. They're pretty good to be honest." Dave admitted as he picked up one for himself.

In sync, the two sink their teeth into the cookies. Kurt chewed his bite. His eyes widening at the goodness.

Swallowing his bite, he exclaimed. "Holy shit! That's actually fucking good!"

Dave laughed as he finished his bite. "I told you!" He exclaimed In agreement.
The love birds eventually ate if not, most of the cookie tray.

They both had four cookies in total. Feeling the edibles now taking their effect.

Kurt's eyes watered with a pinch of red in them. Dave looked over with his bloodshot eyes. "Did it work?"

Kurt nodded. "Yeah.. I feel the high. Carry me Davey, we can watch that movie now.."

Dave lifted Kurt in his arms. Holding his boyfriend close. He left a little kiss onto Kurt's cheek.

"Sounds good, babe." Dave whispered as he carried Kurt to the living room.

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