Chapter 10

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(CW:drug use⚠️)

Slowly, the door knob turned. It is unlocked. Dave froze. Seeing some syringes on the bathroom tiled floor.

Kurt laying on the ground. Just staring at the ceiling bathroom light. With pupils so dilated.

"Hi, Kurty.." Dave greeted softly. Closing the bathroom door as he sat down in the floor.

Kurt's blue eyes slowly looked over. His red hair bright. Locks of it sprawled across the floor.

"It's my fault! Isn't it?" Kurt asks. Dave shakes his head. Shifting and laying Kurt's head on his lap.

"No sweetheart. None of this, is your fault." Dave replied. Moving loose red strands away from Kurt's face.

"Mm, sorry." Kurt apologized. Dave made a closer look on Kurt's face. Seeing some bruises and scratch marks.

"Let's clean up your face and the 'mess' here, okay?" Dave says. Kurt slowly sits himself up. Panting a bit as he sniffled.

"Okay." He croaked out. Forcing himself to stand. He winced as he grasped the bathroom counter.

Dave stood up as well. Picking up the empty syringes that were used on the floor. "is this all you had?", He asks.

Kurt looked at the empty needles. His blue eyes slowly went up to look at Dave's worried expression.

"Mhm." Kurt hummed in reply. Dave threw the empty syringes away as he hoisted Kurt up onto the counter.

His back facing the mirror. Dave ran his hands through Kurt's bright red hair. Moving it out of Kurt's face completely.

He sighed. Seeing all the damage the woman has done to Kurt's face. He opened the bathroom cabinet.

Taking out the medicine kit as he opened it. "Why do you love her, if she hurts you?.." Dave asks to the doped man.

Kurt kept his hands in his lap. As Dave began to clean Kurt's face with healing alcohol and cotton balls.

Kurt hissed in pain. "Ow..ow." he muttered. Dave muttered an apology as he finished cleaning the wounds.

"Can you tell me?" Dave asks. Referring to his question. Kurt sighed as he admitted.

"She has the, y'know. And that's why I stay. Because I love it. I love her, yeah..but I love the feeling being high." Kurt mumbled.

Dave felt his heart began to break again. Hearing those words pulled sr his heart strings.

"Kurt, you're addicted to the shit you're on.. this isn't helping you at all. Let's just stick with marijuana, alcohol and cigarettes..okay?" Dave advised as he kissed Kurt's cheek.

"It's sick!" Kurt suddenly shouted. Dave got startled by the sudden loudness.

Kurt widely stared at Dave as tears rolled down his face. "I don't want to be addicted to this anymore..! But I'm stuck! I don't know what to do."

Dave leaned his face down. Lightly kissing Kurt's forehead as he responded.

"Break up with her."

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