Chapter 25

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"Courtney? What are you doing here?" Dave snapped the question. Balling his fists together as he narrowed his eyes.

But his eyes softened once he noticed a child in Courtney's arms. A babygirl. Courtney sighed. "Is Kurt around..? I need to talk with him."

"I'" Kurt spoke as he stood next to Dave. But his blue eyes glued themselves onto the babygirl into Courtney's arms.

"Kurt, this baby. She's yours." Courtney announced. Kurt widened his eyes. "What..?"

Courtney cleared her throat. "Remember that time we had sex before we broke up and before you cheated?" She asks. Kurt nodded his head.

"Well turns out I got pregnant..and when we broke up. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to abort your child..because I had no idea if you wanted to keep her or not. But I decided that I'm going to give her to you. You and Dave can take of her. She's your child after all." Courtney explained.

Kurt felt his eyes water with happiness. "What's her name..?" He asked as he went out. Courtney smiled, she handed the baby over to Kurt.

"Her name is Frances. The baby name you picked out when we were talking about kids." Courtney replied.

Kurt gasped softly. Holding Frances close to him. Her bright blue eyes stared up at her father. She suddenly smiled a toothless grin.

"Hi, Frances." Kurt whispered. Being careful as he held her. Dave went wide eyed.

He walked over. His hand brushing Frances's little blond head. "She's..ours?" Dave asked. Almost in disbelief.

Courtney nodded. "Yeah, I think it's best if Kurt takes care of her. Here." She grunted as she handed Dave a few bags. "here's all her baby stuff. Toys, blankies, diapers, whatever."

Dave takes the bags, nodding as he carried them into the house.  Kurt lightly pats Frances's back as he mumbled, "thank you so much Courtney for letting me have her."

Courtney nodded. Her eyes teared up as she says. "Can I kiss our baby goodbye?"

Kurt felt bad. But it needed to done. He nodded his head as he handed Frances over to Courtney.

"Mommy loves you. She's going to miss you. But Daddy will take care of you. With your new papa too. I love you sweetheart." Courtney says as she kissed the baby's rosy cheeks.

She held Frances as Kurt asked. "You don't want to come in for a moment..? I can set up some tea?" He offered but Courtney declined.

"No, it's quite alright Kurt. I don't want to be in your hair any longer. I told myself I was just going to give her and leave. And that's what's gonna happen. Fuck, am I bad mother?" Courtney asks as she began to cry.

Kurt shakes his head.  He wrapped an arm around Courtney. "No, no. Court. You aren't a bad mother at long has she been in your care?" He asks.

Courtney sighed, handing the baby back to Kurt. Kurt takes the child.

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