Chapter 16

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A few months have gone passed. Everything has resolved back into normal.

Kurt has moved on from Courtney. But kept his feelings hidden from the drummer.

Even though Dave already knew. He didn't bother to ask or anything about it. Which broke him internally.

Currently, Dave and Kurt are watching a movie on the little screen. They have returned from tour.

Meanwhile Krist is still living with Shelli and at her resided home.

Dave glanced his eyes over at Kurt. His hair has faded. A blondy orange is now visible.

"Do you want to redo your hair tonight?" Dave asks. Kurt glanced over. Timidly a smile rises on his face.

"If you can help me with it, this time." He responded. Dave imediantly agreed. "Sure, hon." He says, the nicknaming has been more consistent in their friendship.

But the two wished their was something, more.

The two got up from the couch. Kurt went over and picked up some koolaid packets from the kitchens cabinet.

"Same ol' bright red." Kurt giggled, holding the red packets of koolaid. Dave felt a smile rise on his face.

"Do you even remember how you did it last time?" Dave asks. Tilting his head. Kurt shrugged. "No, I was too high. I don't remember."

"Well, I guess we'll just wing it and see how it goes." Dave replied as he held his hand out.

"Let's go to the bathroom and do your hair." Dave says. Kurt felt his cheeks get rosy.

He went over. Holding hands with Dave as he shyly nodded his head. "Mhm."

The two went up the stairs. And straight into the bathroom. Kurt is sitting inside of the bathroom tub.

Only in his underwear, as Dave is making Kurt's hair wet with the shower.

He turned the shower off once Kurt's hair is completely soaked. Dave teared open the koolaid packets.

"No idea what I'm doing..." Dave trailed as he started to apply it into Kurt's hair with conditioner as well.

Kurt giggled. Keeping his eyes covered as Dave is scrubbing the conditioner and koolaid into the frontman's hair.

Dave felt his heart flutter. Hearing Kurt's giggle made him feel happy. In fact, ever since Courtney left..Kurt felt happy.

Dave turned back on the shower as he washed the conditioner out. Some of the water turned red from the koolaid but it worked.

Kurt's hair is now bright cherry red.
Once again.

Kurt opened his eyes once Dave finished. Lowering his hands, he looked up at Dave.

"Does it look good?" Kurt asks. Dave bit his bottom lip. He nodded as he helped Kurt get out of the tub.

"Uhh, yeah! I think I did a decent job." Dave responded as he handed Kurt a towel to dry himself.

Kurt began to dry himself as he mumbled. "Get me a dress from my room, won't you..? The black one with the white ruffle..?"

Dave felt his cheeks burn with blush. He felt his body warm up with excitement as he kissed Kurt's head.

"Okay, Kurty." He whispered as he left the bathroom.

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