Chapter 11

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"When you're sober though." Dave clarified as he helped Kurt get off the counter.

Kurt wobbled as he clinged onto Dave. The two began to make their way out of the bathroom.

Opening the door, Krist lifted his head. To look and realize Kurt is obviously doped up again.

The bassist sighed as he went over. Kurt noticed the bassist as he shamefully hid his face into Dave's neck.

"Hey. I'm not mad at you, Kurt. But this has to stop. Okay?" Krist informed as he stared at the  koolaid red headed male.

Kurt didn't speak. He just nodded his head. Dave picked up Kurt. Holding the blond bridal style.

"Now, let's get you in for a nap.. yeah? And when you wake up we can have some of the lasagna I can make." Dave comforted.

Kurt nodded his head. Laying his head on Dave's chest as his heroin induced eyes fluttered shut.

He fell asleep. Imediantly. Dave sighed in relief. Carrying Kurt Cobain to his bedroom.

Krist followed. Opening Kurt's door for Dave as the two went inside. Krist waited out in the hall.

Dave sets Kurt down on the soft bed. Pulling the blanket up as he kissed Kurt's feverish head.

"You'll feel better when you wake up.." Dave comforted as he turned his head. "Hey Krist? Get me an ice pack down stairs would you? Kurt has a fever."

"Okay." Krist replied as he left the door frame. Fetching the ice pack down the stairs and came back. He entered the room.

Handing the ice pack to Dave. Dave takes it. He pushed Kurt's bright red hair out of his face to reveal his forehead.

Calmly setting the icepack onto Kurt's forehead. A soft contented smile rises on Kurt's lips.

Dave left a little kiss to Cobain's lips. "See you later." He muttered. Petting Kurt's red 'dyed' hair for a moment before walking out.

He walked out of the room with Krist. Leaving the door cracked just the slightest.

"Man, he's been through so much." Dave mumbled as he walked down the stairs with the bassist.

"I, can we have a smoke and chat outside?" Krist strikes up the idea.

Dave imediantly nodded. Craving a cigarette as he picked up the pack of Marlboros from the coffee table .

"Yes, we really gotta talk about this." Dave agreed. The two bandmates of nirvana went outside.

Shutting the front door, Krist and Dave take a seat on the porch. Lighting themselves some cigarettes and exhaling the smoke into the cold air.

"Kurt has to break up with her." Dave confessed as he glanced at the bassist.
Krist nodded his head, flicking some ashes on the pavement.

"Agreed. He can't just keep hurting himself anymore. This is so fucked up. He really deserves somebody that'll treat him with actual love." Krist rambled as he takes another drag of his cigarette.

Dave felt his heart pick up the pace once he heard this.

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