Chapter 05

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"Oh no..." Dave whined as he went down the stairs. He grabbed the bottle of aspirin and placed it on the kitchen table.

He heard the water running upstairs. Signifying that Kurt is taking a shower. Dave huffed as he went to the landline phone.

He needed to rant out his emotions. And the only person he can think about venting to, is the bassist.

Picking up the phone, Dave plunged in Krist's phone number. It rang for a moment before it is answered.

The clock read 10AM.

"Hello?" Krist's voice spoke into it. It sounded like the bassist just woke up. Dave sighed as he replied. "Hi, it's Dave." He greeted.

"Oh hey, man. What's up? Why are you calling this early?" Krist asks on the other line of the call.

"I uh, may have done something..bad." Dave nervously fidgeted with the phones cord. "What do you mean?" Krist asks, sitting up in his bed at his home.

"Well, uh. Kurt was doped on heroin..and uh." Dave felt his heart began to ache. Tears began to form into Dave's eyes.

"My feelings got the best of me..! And Kurt was being so horny and cute towards me..! I ended up having sex with him last night! He has Courtney?! What the fuck do I do?!" Dave exclaimed into the phone. Breaking down into sobs of anxious and worry.

Krist on the other end of the phone call was shocked. He cleared his throat. "Hey, hey. Let's calm down..where's Kurt now?"

"In the shower..I left marks! He's gonna find out..! Which I mean, I'm relieved..but what is he gonna say?! Did I just ruin my friendship with him..?! Am I gonna be fired from Nirvana?!" Dave panicked.

"Hey!" Krist exclaimed into the phone. Hushing the drummer. The phone trembled in Dave's hand.

"Look, you didn't do anything wrong. As long as Kurt says it was okay when he finds's not considered rape." Krist informed.

"But I was sober..! I clearly knew what the hell I was doing!" Dave cried in response. Covering his face as he hiccuped a sob.

"Were you?" Krist repeated. Dave pinched his eyebrows together. Trying to remember.

"I mean..I had a bottle or two." Dave admitted. Krist sighed into the phone. "So you weren't sober. You were on the tipsy side."

"But I remember everything..! I felt sober last night!" Dave exclaimed but fell quiet once he heard the shower water upstairs turn off.

"Dave. I'm sure it'll be okay." Krist reassured. "You obviously weren't sober if you drank."

Dave's brown eyes look up to the stairs. "Kurt's done with his shower.. I gotta go. Apparently Courtney is coming over later tonight, too.."

"I'll be over in a few hours." Krist replied and then the phone call went dead.

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