Chapter 07

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"I'm so fucking sorry..!" Dave screamed as he lifted his head. Staring at Kurt with heartbreak and regret. Tears rolling down his face.

Kurt leaned in and softly placed his lips onto Dave's. Which calmed Dave completely down.

Slowly the frontman pulled away. He placed his hands onto Dave's cheeks. "Hey. It's okay." He muttered.

Dave bit his quivering lip. Afraid if he talks he'll break again. Kurt sighed as he cupped Dave's cheeks.

He brushed his thumbs on them. Wiping away Dave's incoming tears. Kurt stared lovingly into Dave's eyes.

"You left those on me. Didn't you?" Kurt asks. Dave nodded his head. Whimpering out, "Not just that.."

Kurt tilted his head. Kissing Dave's cheek softly. "Hey. Let's calm down, okay? You're panicking.."

"Of course I'm panicking! I just HAD SEX WITH YOU!" Dave screamed out. Admitting pretty much the whole situation.

His body shaking vigorously as he hugged himself. Kurt went wide eyed. Hearing those words, it excited him.

Kurt wrapped his arms around Dave. Tucking his face into Dave's neck. The drummer felt his whole body relax as soon as Kurt's arms are holding him.

"We had sex..?" Kurt asks. His bright red hair lightly dangling over his face as he held Dave close to him.

Dave sighed. "Yes, we did. Last night.. it just started with a few kisses and then.. yeah." He says the truth. Much calmer as he brushed Kurt's hair back with his hand.

The two make eye contact. Suddenly the words rolled out of Kurt's tongue, which made Dave blush.

"I wish I remembered." Kurt says, his cheeks burned with blush now.

Dave bit his lip. He turned his head. "You aren't mad at me..?" He asks. Kurt shakes his head, leaving a soft kiss onto Dave's neck.

"No." He whispered. His hot breath tickling Dave's neck. Dave sighed as he turned his head back around.

His hand went up into Kurt's Red Hair, playing with the loose strands as he kissed Kurt's head.

"You have Courtney." Dave reminded. Which caused Kurt to pull away.

"I know." He mumbled in reply.

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