Chapter 23

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Dave crawled himself into the bed. Carefully he pulled Kurt close to him and began to cuddle him.

Kurt opened his eyes. Feeling a warmth of a body next to him. He slowly looked up. And he realized it was Dave.

Making him smile.

"Hi." Kurt croaked out. Dave hummed. His hand playing with Kurts brightly colored hair. "Hi." He replied.

"Mm, so sleepy." Kurt mumbled. Tucking his face into the warmth of Dave's chest.

"Take this off will you..?" Kurt asks. Gripping at the shirt Dave is wearing. Dave smirked. "Okay, but sit up first."

Kurt complied. He sits himself up and yawned. Rubbing an eye as he observed his boyfriend.

Dave slipped his shirt off. Exposing his shirtless top half as he laid back down. He lowered his voice as he says, "c'mere."

Kurt felt himself get butterflies. He smiled as he laid his head back down. Now on Dave's bare chest.

Dave rubbed Kurt's back affectionately. "I love you, so much." He says as he eyed Kurt with admiration.

"I love you, too." Kurt mumbled. Using his pointer finger to draw little hearts on Dave's chest.

The drummer smiled as he leaned his head down. Lightly kissing Kurt's head as he says.

"Get some sleep, love. You need it."

Kurt nodded his head. He really did feel tired. He closed his eyes. Feeling sleep already coax his body.

Dave left little sleepy kisses onto Kurt's neck. Helping the frontman fall even more into sleep.

This tactic worked. Kurt Cobain is now asleep in Dave Grohl's arms. The drummer realized.

Leaving one final kiss to Kurt's lips, Dave shuts his eyes. He laid his head on the pillow.

Listening to Kurt's soft and relaxed breathing. It lulled the drummer into falling asleep.

Holding his boyfriend close to him.

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