Chapter 09

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(⚠️drug use!)

Dave sighed. "Well, that went fucking horribly." He spat. Shaking his head as he watched from the window. Seeing Courtney getting in her car and leaving.

Krist sets a hand onto Dave's shoulder. "Hey, I'm on your side man. I kinda had a feeling something is off with her. She really did show her true colors today."

Dave shoved Krist's hand away. "we need to check on Kurt. Now." He says, his voice suddenly growing soft.

Krist nodded in agreement. The two men walked up the stairs. Hearing sobbing sounds from the bathroom.

Krist halted his steps. Looking at Dave. "He needs you. Dave." He says. The drummer felt his heart pain.

"But I only made things worse." Dave muttered. Krist shakes his head. "No, you made things better. Man, listen. This isn't their first rodeo with the whole toxic relationship..."

" One time I had the couple over at my place with Shelli. You know? Double date type thing? Well anyway, Courtney began just...screaming at Kurt and shit. Both were drunk and high on heroin.. Then it resulted into Courtney beating Kurt. I had to call the cops on her and escorted off the property." Krist explained the story.

Dave went wide eyed. "When did this happen..?" He asks. Krist scratched the back of his head. "I think about six months ago."

"Jesus christ.." Dave lowered his head. "And Kurt just stayed with her?!" He snapped the question.

Krist placed a hand onto Dave's shoulder. "He told me that he loves her. When I confronted him about it the next day."

Dave felt goosebumps on his arms. Then he remembered. Kurt said this exact  same thing to him about the drug intoxicated sex situation last night.

"He's hurting himself by staying with her." Dave lifted his head. Looking at Krist.

Krist nodded his head. "Anything for that heroin I suppose.." he muttered. "Anyway, go in there! Kurt needs you." He advised.

Sitting in the hallway and lighting a cigarette, Krist exhaled the smoke. "I'll be out here."

Dave went over to the bathroom door. The sobs have quieted down. He sets his hand on the door knob.

"Okay.", He says.

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