*Chapter 30*

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Kurt carefully laid Frances down on the bed. He sighed. "I'll get her a stuffed animal. It'll help comfort her too."

Dave laid himself already next to the child. He whispered. "get her pacifier, it'll help."

Kurt nodded, "where?" He asked, softly. Dave cleared his throat as he pointed to the little pacifier that is resting on a little dresser by Frances's bed.

"Gotcha." Kurt whispered as he went over. Picking up the pastel pink pacifier and a little teddy bear.

Quietly he walked over. Placing the teddy bear next to her. Which resulted in Frances holding the stuffed bear as she sleeps.

Carefully, Kurt sits on the bed. Brushing the pacifier on her lips. Frances cooed as she takes the packer.

"There we go." Kurt whispered as he shifted. Laying down as he kissed Frances's head.

"I love you, Frances." Kurt whispered. Dave pouted, as he joked. "where's my goodnight kiss and I love you?"

Kurt laughed softly. He leaned over and pecked Dave's lips. Dave returned the kiss.

The couple laid down. Frances in between her two father figures. Asleep and dreaming about them.

Dave whispered. "Kurt?"

Kurt has his eyes shut as he whispered back. "yeah, babe?"

"I love you." Dave whispered. Gazing at Kurt happily. Kurt opened his eyes. He returned the look.

"I love you, too." Kurt softly responded.

The couple smiled at each other. Before they looked at the child.

They both kissed Frances's tiny head.

"We love you." Dave and Kurt whisper at the same time.
Making Frances smile in her sleep.

The two shared a quiet laugh before laying on their sides.

Facing the child between them.

Kurt and Dave make eye contact.

"And this all started with a one night stand.." Dave says, making Kurt snicker.

"You know? I'm glad it happened. Because if it didn't. We wouldn't be in this position. I'm glad that I stayed with you. Who knows what could be happened if I remained with Courtney.."
Kurt muttered. Exhaustion laced in his tone of voice.

Dave shakes his head. "Let's not talk about her." He says. Kurt rolled his eyes.

"Fine by me." He responded.

Dave and Kurt lock eyes. Smiling at each other.

"I love you." Dave says.
"I love you, too." Kurt replys.

"I'll never forget,
Red Hair, Red Lips."

Dave says.

The couple fell asleep soon after this.
Holding each other and Frances close.


~The End.~

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