Chapter 03

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Reaching Kurt's bedroom, he laid Kurt down on the bed. He was about to exit the room, but Kurt grabbed onto Dave's arm.

"Kiss me, one more time..before you go." Kurt shyly mumbled. His cheeks flared red, just like his hair.

Dave couldn't help it. He sat on the bed, lightly pressing his lips onto Kurt's. His breath was scented with alcohol.

Kurt returned the kiss. His hands tangling themselves back into Dave's hair.

This turned to a heated makeout session rather quickly. Dave is crawled up on top of Kurt, lips moving against the frontman's.

Kurt pulled back to get some air. He panted softly. His lips were a bit swollen and red from the amount of kisses he received.

Dave bit his bottom lip. Leaning back in for another kiss.

But then it clicked. It didn't just turn into went further, and further..

Soon enough, clothes are disregarded. And they are underneath the blankets, doing the deed.

Dave knows damn well he's going to remember in the morning. But he was worried about Kurt's memory.

Although he's gotten consent to do this, will Kurt even remember this is happening between them?

They both felt the feelings of love between this sexual experience. Holding each other close once they have finished.

Only dressed back in their boxers, holding each other's warmth. Kurt's neck is littered in marks. Dave's back has red clawed marks down it.

What a night.

"Fuck, I love you." Kurt confessed. Currently having his head laying on Dave's chest.

Dave is rubbing Kurt's bareback affectionately. But he just stared at the ceiling. He couldn't believe what has happened.

It feels like a fever dream. But the two are wide awake. But knowing so, Kurt will probably not remember any of this. Since he's completely high on heroin.

So in his case, it's like a fever dream.
That he practically cheated on his girlfriend.

With Dave's fingers pulling on his bright Red firey hair, and his burning Red Lips against the drummers.

That's all Kurt can think about. His girlfriend is completely blocked out of his head. And he can only think of the man in the same bed as him.

Dave left a little kiss on Kurt's cheek. Noticing the blond has finally drifted to sleep.

But the drummer was in internal panic. Tonight, he literally fucked Kurt Cobain.

His hand calmly playing with the bright red strands of his bandmates hair. His brown eyes staring at the ceiling.

"Fuck..what am I gonna say to him when he's sober..?" Dave whimpered out, his voice slurring a bit from the pinch of alcohol that is left in his system.

But Kurt didn't hear. He is fast asleep.

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