Chapter 19

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Dave goes back upstairs. He heard the shower running in the bathroom. Walking in his room, Kurt was nowhere to be seen.

So Kurt was definitely taking a shower. Dave smiled at the thought as he switched out of his clothes.

He changed into a pair of sweatpants and a random shirt he found on the floor.

Noticing Kurt's dress, Dave picked it up. He walked out of his room and down to Kurt's room.

He entered it. Looking around and seeing a bunch of paintings and punk rock posters on the walls.

He noticed a clothing hanger on the floor. Dave picked it up and slipped the dress inside.

Hanging the dress up into Kurt's closet. He suddenly heard soft footsteps coming.

"Dave?" Kurt called, a towel around his waist as he entered the bedroom. Dave quickly turned his head.

"Oh hi! Sorry- sorry. Sorry. I'll go-" Dave stammered out in embarrassment.

Kurt rolled his eyes. He walked over and kissed Dave's head. "Wait for me downstairs, we have to talk." He whispered into Dave's ear.

Dave bit his lip as he nodded his head. "Okay." He muttered as he left the bedroom.

Kurt watched Dave leave. A warm smile on his face. Rolling his blue eyes, the smile faded as he dressed himself.

Slipping on his red striped sweater and a signature pair of jeans. He then walked downstairs.

Entering the living room. He witnessed Dave preparing two joints of weed for them to smoke on.

"Hi! Made one for me?" Kurt's voice piped up. Sitting on the couch with his knees tucked up.

Dave finished preparing the marijuana as he turned his head to look at Kurt. "Yeah, I did. But let's talk sober. Then we can smoke on these."

"Sounds good to me." Kurt replied. Curling some of bright red hair behind his ear. A timid smile resting on his lips. Exposing the teeny dimples.

Dave sighed softly. He shifted as he turned his body fully to face Kurt.
He leaned forward. His larger hand's lightly grasping Kurt's bonier, skinnier hands.

"Kurt,.." Dave began.

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