Chapter 18

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Dave woke up first. Grunting as he sits up. He glanced over, seeing Kurt asleep still.

His bright red hair so bright. It stuck out comparison to the bedsheets and blankets.

Dave leaned his head down. He softly kissed Kurt's head. He wasn't sure. Were they friends? Friends with benefits? A relationship?

He didn't know. But he needs to figure it out. Out of bed, Dave gets himself dressed.

Needing advice, he decided he should go downstairs and call Krist. He didn't bother to wake up Kurt, since the bright dyed haired male was peacefully at rest.

Dave entered the kitchen. Picking up the phone as he dialed Krist's phone number. It rang a few times before it got picked up.

"Hello?" Krist's voice spoke into it. Dave cleared his throat. "Hi, man. Is it just you in the room?"

"Yeah, Shelli went out. Why? What's going on?" Krist asks on the other line of the call.

"I just had sex with Kurt again." Dave announced into the phone. His cheeks flared a bright red once it is admitted in the air.

Before Krist can reply, Dave contuined. "We were both sober! Like actually! It was consensual. But I don't know what the relationship is right now."

"Ohhh, I see.." Krist trailed off. "Seems like friends with benefits to me." He answered back.

Dave sighed. "That's what it seems like.. but I really want to tell him how I really feel. I don't want to just have sex. I want a real relationship with him."

"Well, it's best if you actually sit down and talk with him about it. It's your relationship and feelings with Kurt. Yes I may give you advice but I can't tell you what to do or not. Follow your heart Dave." Krist advised.

Dave sighed. "You're right.. sorry for just bombarding this on you." He apologized.

Krist laughed. "BAHAH! It's not a problem man! I support you two either way!"

A small smile rises on Dave's face. He replied.

"Thanks Krist. You're the best friend I've ever had." Dave says. Making Krist smile on the other end.

" of course man." Krist replied.

The phone call went dead.

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