Chapter 27

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"that bitch.." Dave muttered under his breath as he sits next to his boyfriend and now adopted child.

"What she say, honey?" Kurt asks, as he leaned back. Laying Frances on his chest. She is so small.

A hand rested on his daughter's back as he eyed the drummer. Dave sighed. He looked over.

"She said that I might be abusive towards you and the baby included. It's so fucked up! She chose to have me-basically- be Frances's step father! And now she got all defensive like I was just as abusive or toxic as what the fuck, dude." Dave ranted.

Kurt frowned. "Oh my poor, poor, baby." He says as he leaned in, pecking Dave's lips.

Dave returned the kiss. Feeling himself calm down as his brown eyes look at the sky. It is sunset.

"It's just stupid that she thinks I abuse you." Dave grumbled. Kurt sighed as he asked. "Hey. Don't worry about her. She left. Now.. do you want to hold our child?"

Dave felt his heart flutter once he heard that. He turned his head. Nodding as he held his hands out.

Kurt handed Dave the little girl. The drummer lightly holds the child as he smiled.

"She's so cute. She looks just like you." Dave says, imediantly feeling much happier.

Frances is still fast asleep. Kurt smiled as he looked at his daughter and boyfriend with love.

"She does?" Kurt asks. His blue eyes looking down at his kid. Dave nodded. "Definitely." He replied.

"Let's get her in the crib." Kurt whispered. Dave agreed. Carefully, the drummer gets up with the sleeping baby in his arms.

The couple went upstairs. Dave held Frances close in his arms as they walked down the hallway.

"She's so cute." Kurt says as they reached Dave's bedroom. Which is now considered their shared bedroom.

Kurt's actual bedroom has been transferred into an art and craft room. So the couple sleep together every night.

"She really is." Dave agreed as he carefully sets Frances into the crib. Covering her up with the blanket.

Dave kissed Frances's head. "Night sweetheart." He whispered. Kurt did the same thing, but whispered "Daddy loves you."

The couple quickly changed into PJs and crawled into their shared bed.

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