Chapter 04

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The next morning came around. The clouds of daylight poured into Kurt's bedroom.

Dave was asleep as well by now. Since he just stared at the ceiling for hours at a time for the night.

So he remembers everything.

But the drummer felt the pinch of daylight hitting his eyes. He slowly opened them.

Shifting a bit, he takes around of his surrounds. Then he remembered, last night.

It clicked so easily in his mind. Since he was the more sobered one. He's still in Kurts bedroom.

He sat up in the bed. Holding his head as his hands began to tremble. Does Kurt remember? Is this ..rape? He was completely unsure and it scared the hell outta him.

His brown eyes shifted over to look at the bright red strands of hair. Kurt is laying on his side. His back facing Dave, currently.

His bare shoulder just lightly poked out of the warmth of the blankets. Showing a bit of the freckles he has.

Dave bit the inside of his cheek harshly. Tasting a bit of a metallic taste. He realized he bit too hard and made the inside of his cheek bleed.

Kurt shifted. Wincing a little as he began to roll over. Dave quietly got himself off the bed. Grabbing his pair of basketball shorts and cheesy bandtee.

Slowly the blond opened his eyes, but Dave is already dressed by now. He blinked them.

The sleepiness vanished from his system as he sits up in the bed. But felt a sharp pain in his lower back.

"Ow.." Kurt whimpered softly as he placed a hand there. "Dave..? What are you doing in here..?" He asks.

Oh no, Kurt forgot.

Dave felt his heart began to ache with regret. Why did his feelings win? Why did Kurt's  Bright Red Hair and Red Lips entice him into doing..that?

It's not Kurt's fault. Dave thought in his head as he cleared his throat. "Uh, I just wanted to say Krist is coming over today. Also, I like your hair. The-The red suits you." He stammered out.

Which is true, Kurt does have very attractive bright red hair. And Krist is planning on coming over later.

"Oh, okay. Courtney's coming over too." Kurt croaked out, looking at his red hair.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Hey, Dave? What happened last night..? I just remember dyeing my hair with koolaid."

Dave bit his lip. He couldn't say it. He's too scared. He didn't want his friendship with Kurt to be ruined.

"Uh, nothing. Much. You just dyed your hair..took a bath and forgot to get dressed, so I just placed you into bed. And you uh, fell asleep." Dave stammered the false witness of a story.

His forehead beaded with sweat. But that's when he realized, the hickeys. They are still present on Cobain's neck.

Grohl mentally smacked himself. Shitshitshit. The drummer thought as his hands began to get clammy.

"Oh well, sorry about that." Kurt briefly apologized. Running a hand through his bright red locks, he got himself out of bed.

Dave quickly turned around to face the door. "Yeah, so uh. Good morning..I'll be downstairs."

Kurt scratched the back of his neck. Keeping a hand on his lower back. "Yeah, yeah. Uhm, can you get me an aspirin..? Just place it on the kitchen table."

Dave nodded. "Sure." He says as he left the room.

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