Chapter 20

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"Kurt Cobain.." Dave began as he stared deeply into Kurt's blue cerulean eyes.

"I love you." Dave confessed. His grip tightened onto the frontman's hands as his eyes became glossed with tears.

"I love your Red Hair, Red Lips. I love when you comfort me when I'm stressed. I love your smile, and I love your laugh. I don't fucking know why, I fell for you so fast. I adore your face, and I adore being your friend, but I want something more than that, and you definitely know what I meant.." Dave rambled on as he lowered his head.

Kurt felt himself snickered. He leaned forward. Kissing Dave's forehead. He whispered into Dave's ear. "I love you."

Dave quickly lifted his head. Staring at Kurt with shock. Even though he already knew. Just hearing those words set in reality.

"You love me?" Dave asks the question. Completely in disbelief of what he just heard. Kurt rolled his eyes.

Kurt cupped Dave's cheeks in his hands. Staring deeply into Dave's eyes. "Yes, I love you. Alot. Why do you think I allowed that night to happen all over again..? Only this time with us, completely sober and both remembering it."

Dave felt a large grin rise across his face. He squealed in happiness as he tackled Kurt.

Both of the men laid on the couch. Holding each other with large smiles on their faces.

They both shared a passionate kiss. Dave slowly pulled back. "So, were..boyfriends?" He asks.

Kurt laughed and nodded. Kissing Dave's lips as he responded. "Yeah, duh!"

Dave pushed Kurt's red hair back. He pecked Kurt's cheek. "I love you, baby." He mumbled.

"Mm, I love you too. But get up." Kurt says as he jokingly shoved Dave off him.

Dave laughed as he sits up on the couch. Picking up the remote as he asks. "Want to watch a movie?"

Kurt shakes his head. Replying back, "I kinda want to bake cookies with you. But add the marijuana in them." He added with a grin.

"Ahhh, I see." Dave went on with it as the two stood up. Taking the fresh green they had and went into the kitchen.

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