Chapter 12

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Dave sets his cigarette up to his lips and takes a few puffs before exhaling it out.

"You know Krist..? I have something to say." He mumbled. Krist puts his cigarette out, as he turned his head to face the drummer. "Yeah?"

Dave tucked up his knees. Staring at the floor for a moment before looking at the cloudy evening sky.

Man, today went by so fast.

"Um." Dave flicked his cigarette down. "I have feelings for Kurt. Not just sexual feelings.. but actual love for him."

Krist nodded. "I know. You really should tell Kurt about this. But I would wait for now..he's been through a lot."

Dave gets up. Running a hand through his hair. "He's gotta break up with Courtney. By phone. I don't trust that she-demon even near him."

"Are you gonna convince Kurt to do so?" Krist asks. Dave huffed. Running a hand through his hair stressfully.

"I can't force him to break up with her, Krist. It's all in his heart. I just wish that his Red Hair, and Red Lips can be mine all over again.." Dave swooned. His cheeks tinting a little pink as he heard what he said.

Krist snickered. Lightly patting Dave's back. "Hey man. I think Kurt might feel the same way."

Dave looked over. Raising an eyebrow. "What..? No way..? He loves Courtney." Krist shakes his head. "Dave, don't backstep. We know damn well that he doesn't actually love her. He loves the drug."

The drummer knew the bassist is right. "Yeah, you're right. He's addicted. But if he doesn't stop it's gonna kill him."

Krist slowly nodded his head in agreement. "So, what's the plan?" He asks.

Dave bit the inside of his cheek as he responded. "he's gonna break up with Courtney.. and in a few weeks, I'll get my feelings acrossed to him."

Krist chuckled. "Least that's what you hope the outcome will be." He replied. Dave rolled his eyes.

The two get up and went back inside after this conversation.

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