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POV Jisung

"Thank you very much," I said quietly, and he just nodded in agreement before closing the door and getting in on the driver's side.

I looked at him as he sat down on the driver's side and started the car. I couldn't believe that this man really wanted me for his gratification. It was all so surreal, and it didn't get any better when he started the car and the engine howled loudly. Honestly, I have to admit that I was slightly startled when that loud noise appeared all of a sudden. I blushed when I saw that Mister Lee's mouth was adorned with a grin immediately after I had been startled. I quickly looked at my hands to avoid looking at him again, and when I noticed the light of the outside world, I immediately looked out the window. I just loved nature, rain or shine. I just feel good when I'm outside or breathing in the fresh air. "You like nature, don't you?", Mister Lee, spoke to me softly. Careful not to startle me, he slowly placed his large hand on my thigh. "Yes, I just like those quiet and pleasant sounds that come from it," I spoke and looked down at his hand, not knowing what to do, I just left it there. "That's true, there's something very calming about nature. It's perfect to relax."

The rest of the car journey was quiet, with music playing softly in the background. Exactly what kind, I couldn't tell, but I liked the quiet melody emanating from it. Arriving at the restaurant, I immediately noticed the beautiful location, which was apparently very obvious. "Do you like it?" Mister Lee grinned at me after he parked. "Yes, it's really nice" I smiled at him and got out together with him.

"I've already booked a table, so we don't have to wait that long, either." Wait, he had already booked, did he see something like this coming? I tried not to think about it any further and concentrated entirely on Mister Lee. What the magazines always reported was true. He was really handsome. His lips fit perfectly into that flawless face. Arriving at our table, before I could even reach for the chair, Mister Lee had already pulled it back for me. Mister Lee was a real gentleman, and only when I had really sat down properly did he go to his own chair and sit down on it. I carefully took the menu, which was on the table covered with a plain white tablecloth, and read it through. Immediately I noticed that this restaurant was really only for people who had money, which is why I gulped audibly when I read the individual prices.

"And what would you like to eat Jisung?" Mister Lee looked at me promptly. "It's all really expensive Mister Lee, I..." but before I could speak a waitress came to the table asking for our food. "Two of the Wagyu steak with the rocket salad and the rosemary potatoes..." I gulped. This was going to be expensive. "...and for wine, we would like the Château" And with that, Mister Lee handed the menu to the waiter and looked at me as the waiter left. "Don't worry about the money. As I said, I'm inviting you. Therefore, enjoy it, even if it's hard." I nodded. "I'll try, Mister Lee." I looked him in the eye. "Have you thought about the contract yet?" "No, not yet, sir. I'm not so sure yet." He nodded slightly. "Understandable, but don't worry about it. You're still a human being with needs and freedom. Just because you sign the contract doesn't make you my slave, Jisung." He was right, and I knew it, for that I needed the money more than badly, which was why I made a mistake I later realised. "I'll sign," I said, still shyly, seeing a grin on Minho's face. "Perfect. You can also sign it right here, and I'll take it straight to my place." I nodded and took the contract out of my pocket and placed it on the table in front of me. Minho immediately held out one of his coolies to me, and I nodded briefly. "Thank you very much." I sat down and finally signed. "No, thank you, Jisung." When I had signed, he took the pen and contract and grinned at me. "Here's to a good working relationship." "To good cooperation." No sooner had we said this than the waiter came to us with a bottle of wine, poured it into two glasses which he then placed with us and left. "To us Jisung." Minho raised the glass and toasted me. As the first few drops of the red liquid flowed down my neck, I immediately screwed up my face. The wine was really disgusting, but maybe that was because I just didn't like alcohol. "Well, do you like it?", Minho smirked to himself and drank from his glass without even pulling a face. How did he manage it? It wasn't even tasty. "It tastes good eventually. You just have to give it a chance." He grinned at me, making me feel like he knew what I was thinking, which made me blush. "That means they don't actually like wine either?" He nodded in agreement. "Then why do they drink it? If you don't mind me asking..." I looked down at my glass and observed the red liquid in it, knowing that I could no longer withstand Mister Lee's domineering gaze. "To be honest, I don't really know. I started doing it when I got the company. Well, and now I do it out of habit, I guess." I watched him set his glass aside and clasp his hands. "I'm going to take you to your old lodgings today, so you can pack. As well as, I will discuss all the necessary things with the landlord. So you don't have things to worry about." I nodded immediately. "Thank you very much, that takes a lot of the burden off me." I bowed to him briefly to show my gratitude as our, very delicious smelling, food also arrived, almost making my mouth water. "It looks delicious, doesn't it?", Minho asked me before he cut a piece small and let it disappear between his lips. And damn, did he look hot doing it! And where was this most noticeable? Right, in my trousers. When I noticed this, I quickly looked at my piece of meat and started to eat it together with my new boss.

Before he ate me.

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