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Pov: Minho

I was already standing outside the building when I saw the car stop in front of it. I immediately walked towards it and saw the driver get out and then open the door for Jisung. He thanked me with a smile and then looked shyly at me. He came up to me and bowed slightly. "Good afternoon, Mr Lee," he greeted me, and I just nodded. "Come with me," I instructed him more roughly than I had intended, but I couldn't help myself at the moment. Jisung nodded immediately and gave me a somewhat surprised look, but then ran after me as soon as I started moving and entered Lee Tower. With quick steps, I pushed past the people standing in the entrance area and went straight to my private lift. I always made sure that Jisung followed me. However, he walked quite slowly behind me and looked around in amazement. His mouth was slightly open, and his eyes were sparkling. "Wow, this place looks great," he said in amazement, and I stopped. He continued to look around, and I noticed that I was looking at him with a slight smile. He looked so cute right now. No, stop Minho. What are you thinking again? 

I got angry with myself and growled softly, then grabbed Jisung's wrist and pulled him roughly behind me. "Now come on, I don't want to wait any longer!" Jisung looked at me a little overwhelmed and scared and lowered his eyes. But I didn't respond and tightened my grip, whereupon he whimpered softly. However, I simply continued to pull him behind me. When we reached the lift, I pressed the button and waited impatiently for the doors to open. A soft sigh escaped my lips when they did, and I quickly pulled Jisung into the lift, pressing the button for the floor where my office was. As soon as the doors were closed, I grabbed Jisung and pulled him towards me. I didn't give him any time to react and pressed my lips hungrily onto his. He moaned in submission as I pushed my tongue almost roughly into his mouth and I realised exactly how hard it was for him to return the kiss. However, I ignored this and bit his lower lip roughly, which made him whimper again. His hands came to rest on my chest and his fingers clawed into my shirt, seeking support.

I pushed him back against the wall of the lift with my body and pressed my pelvis impatiently against his abdomen. I moaned softly into the kiss as my erection rubbed against him. Jisung stopped in his movements and whimpered softly, but pressed himself against me almost immediately. However, I growled unwillingly when he interrupted the kiss. I pressed my lips a little harder against his and plunged my tongue into his mouth again. I played around his with it and grinned when he groaned again. He leaned against me and let me do it, just moaning softly into the kiss as I licked along his tongue. His hands ran down over my chest and I faltered briefly as he undid my belt and then ran a hand down my trousers. I moaned as he took my member in his hand, and it began to pump. Perplexed, I looked at him and just felt him grin against my lips. But then I kissed him again and just let him do it. I kept moaning into the kiss when he tightened his hand around my length or rubbed it up and down faster. I also started to thrust into his hand and moaned again, pushing him a little harder against the wall.

But then I heard a soft sound from the lift and immediately detached myself from him. Confused, I looked at the display and realised that we hadn't even arrived at my floor yet. Why was this thing stopping now?

Fuck! Someone was coming.

I quickly pulled Jisung away from the wall and tried to position ourselves inconspicuously. My heart was racing with excitement and my penis was throbbing, that we might get caught was a pure adrenaline rush. We didn't have time to get ourselves back in order when the lift doors opened and two men came in. They nodded to me, which I returned briefly, and then stood with their backs to us after one of them pressed the button for the fifth floor The tension between Jisung and me was still palpable. We exchanged a brief glance that reflected both desire and nervousness. "Mr Lee?" one of the men was looking for something to say, and I looked at him. "Yes?" I asked, trying not to let on. "I've just received the documents you requested. Would you like me to deliver them to you?" I looked at him for a moment, a little confused, but then nodded when I understood what the documents were. "Yes, I'd love to," I said quickly and put on a friendly smile. The man nodded. "Do you want me to do that later?" he asked and I nodded again.

"Yes, I'd love to, if that's convenient for you," I answered the man calmly and he nodded again. "That's fine. If you like, I can bring the documents to the office with me?" I couldn't really concentrate on his words as I was focussed on not letting anything get to me. "Erm no, please just send them to me by email or bring them to me tomorrow," I stammered quickly, still trying not to let anything get to me. As soon as the doors had closed again, I pressed Jisung against the wall again and kissed him passionately. This time, however, with more caution and consideration for our surroundings. Our lips melted together again while my hands explored his body. Jisung returned the kiss with the same intensity, and I could feel how much he shared this desire. My anger was gone. Suddenly, I felt the lift start to jerk slightly. An ominous sound reached our ears and I knew something was wrong. I could feel the panic coming from Jisung as the lift suddenly stopped and the lights flickered. We were trapped in a stuck lift. Jisung and I looked at each other, our gazes full of lust and uncertainty. The confinement of the lift intensified the intimacy between us. We didn't know how long we would be stuck here and whether anyone would help us. But for the time being, we had.

Amidst the darkness and silence of the lift, I felt Jisung's hand seeking mine and gripping it tightly. "Mr Lee, my boner..." Jisung drew my attention to the problem in his trousers, which I was delighted to see, despite the fact that we were now stuck. I couldn't help but laugh at Jisung's comment. The situation was so absurd that it was almost funny. "Great, now we're stuck here, and you also have... this problem," I replied with a grin. Jisung blushed slightly, but his smile revealed that he had expected my reaction. "What should we do now?" he asked, trying to make light of the embarrassing situation. I thought for a moment and looked around the lift. There was no way to open the lift from the inside, and the emergency phone didn't seem to be working either. "We should try to stay calm and wait for help," I suggested, squeezing Jisung's hand reassuringly as I reached into his trousers and started pumping his member, despite the fact that we were stuck, the lust between us was still strong. Jisung moaned as my hand pumped his member faster and faster, causing his climax to build up, and he finally spurted into my hand. I looked into Jisung's eyes again and held my hand in front of his mouth. "Now lick it off! At least you had the cheek to squirt into my hand without my permission!" His mouth wrapped around my fingers and licked his sperm off them. When he had finished, we suddenly heard a noise from outside. It was the whirring of the lift doors slowly opening. A relieved smile spread across our faces as we realised that help had finally arrived. A technician stood in front of us and apologised for the inconvenience. He explained that there had been a technical problem which had now been resolved. We thanked him with relief and left the lift.

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