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Pov Jisung

It felt strange to let him drive away. As if he were a complete stranger, I looked after him. "Jisung!", I suddenly heard a voice that snapped me out of my stare and I looked to my right where Hyunjin was walking towards me. "When did you wake up so early? Did something happen?" he asked, to which I looked at him and took his hand in mine. "Come." I walked to our front door, which I quickly opened, only to get into the lift right after and head to my flat. "You're really making it exciting, Ji," Hyunjin chuckled to himself beside me. The door opened to reveal my front door, which I also opened immediately. "OK you're starting to scare me Ji... please talk to me," "Inside," I just said quietly and Hyunjin nodded slightly and entered my flat together with me. He immediately closed the door and looked at me. "Speak!", "Maybe you should...", "No! You're never that calm, so spill the beans. Who hurt you? Who do I have to beat up?" I cleared my throat and started talking about yesterday.

"Wait, wait!" my best friend interrupted me, and I stopped in the middle of my narrative. "Did I get that right? You got to stay at his house and sleep with him in his bed to boot?" From Hyunjin's facial expressions, it was clear to me that this was unusual. "Yeah? Why, what's so unusual about that?", I finally asked curiously, wondering what exactly he meant now. "Minho is very introverted and prefers to be alone. He loves his family." Hyunjin looked at me and continued speaking. "Nothing beats his family, and they are the only ones he lets so close to him and his privacy." Hyunjin grinned. "But apparently that has changed now." That sentence echoed through my now swept away thoughts. What could that possibly mean? "Oh, someone must have a crush on the rich and handsome Lee Minho," Hyunjin laughed to himself while sinking further into my couch "Hyunjin!", "What? The fact that you're trying to contradict me right now just proves everything!" I tried to contradict him, but he fell silent right back. He was right. "Hey, Ji, this is completely normal, I mean, you've always had a crush on him, so it's no wonder you have a crush now.", "I don't have a crush! At most, I have a very slight crush," I objected now, but Hyunjin pulled me to him laughing and then looked at me again quite seriously and with a slight smile. "Just pay attention a bit, OK?" I nodded, "I will, Hyunjin."

-little time skip-

While I was telling Hyunjin everything, it was getting late. Only I didn't notice this until I got a message from my mother. "Hyunjin it's really late, we have to go to uni tomorrow" I said, he just nodded and kissed my cheek "See you tomorrow." He stood up and walked out of my flat, "See you tomorrow, Hyung.".

Hi Jisung, I was wondering if you know you're coming to visit in a fortnight

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Hi Jisung, I was wondering if you know you're coming to visit in a fortnight.

Oh, I'm sorry. I thought
I was supposed to
come to visit in three weeks.
So I already made plans
to Appa's...

That's good, because your brother's coming over. That's why I was wondering if you could come over later. But that's all taken care of now :)

Okay, great. See you, Saranghae!

Read, * she did not say anything back, nor did she say anything else to me. I was aware that my brother had always been her favourite, but it still hurt. I had always had a better connection with my father, and today it was proven once again. Sighing, I got up and went into my bathroom, where I undressed and looked in the mirror for a moment. I was exhausted from trying to live up to my mother over and over again, so I decided without further ado to finally draw the line. I would finally start living my life the way I wanted to. Purposefully, I got into my shower to finish today and in some way wash away everything negative that had happened during the day. Starting with my hair, I then washed my body, memories of Minho coming up again and again. How he touched my belly and stroked my inner thighs. I stopped myself. "I'm not going to jerk off now." I thus stepped out of the shower and dried my face and hair with a towel first, before rubbing the rest of my body dry and walking through my flat with the same towel around my waist. Yes, I was alone, but I couldn't forget that I had a huge window front and so you could see everything in my flat if you lived in the tower block opposite. Once in my bedroom, I hung up my towel and quickly changed into my pyjamas. When that was done, I sat down on my bed and thought about the day. What made Minho? And most importantly, when would I see what he really thought sex was like between us. The thought of that worried me, but at the same time made me curious about everything that was to come.


*Once again, for the record, everything I write is FICTIVE and has NOTHING to do with the real people, this is just part of the story and anyone who bothers this can just skip it or stop reading from here on. Thanks for the attention!

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