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POV Jisung

Breathing heavily, I woke up. Had it all just been a silly dream? I looked down at myself to see that I was still fully dressed and had really got into my pants instead of onto my mattress. The clock told me that it was now 9 o'clock, and I knew very well that I could not go back to sleep now. So I got up and ran to my wardrobe to take some fresh clothes out of it.

I was now looking forward to a nice hot shower to wash the dried sweat and cum off my body. When I heard a soft knock on my door, I opened it immediately. " Hey Jisung." It was Jackson. "Hey Jackson Hyung." I looked at him, knowing he wanted something from me or to talk to me about something. "Jisung, I'm sorry for always rushing you with the money. I know how hard this is for you. Just please don't move out." He looked at me pleadingly. "We all like you, and you belong to us..." You could tell it bothered him more than a little. "I'm sorry, Jackson Hyung, but it's closer to my work." He looked at me and finally nodded. "We'll help you with the boxes anyway, alright?" I smiled gratefully at him. "Yes, thank you!" I stretched once for a moment and walked past him. "I'm going to take a quick shower," I informed him and quickly went into the bathroom where I locked the door and took off my pants.

I was confused because when I had a steady boyfriend, I hadn't even thought about sex. It had just been uncomfortable for me. I hadn't even let him touch me. But now with Minho, I wanted all that more than a little. Those touches in the car and also in his office had been so intense and had burned into my skin so much that when I remembered back, I could still feel his hands on me. How they gripped my penis and began to pump it up and down. It was breathtaking. Definitely. I looked in the mirror and now took off my top too. I was in no way built like Hyunjin. My hips were narrower than his, and I didn't have muscular arms. What did Mister Lee like about me anyway?

Was it perhaps just my innocence that he liked?

I didn't know, but I was afraid. Afraid that after we had sex for the first time, he would drop me because he was no longer interested. I just didn't want him to have sex with anyone else. I liked being special to him, if I'm honest, and somewhere I was. I mean, I personally worked for Mister Lee.

So I got into the shower and immediately turned it on warm too. After that dream, I had just needed that to relax all my muscles again that I had tensed before. But even in the shower, my head was filled with only one thing. And that was Lee Minho. Of course, it was logical that I couldn't forget him, I'd had a celebrity crush on him for so long. Even then, I had dreamed of being Mister Lee's secretary, and now I was his escort for events! And a sex employee. The thought made me grin. Thanks again for that, Hyunjin.

My shower gel smelled like vanilla. I thought back to Minho, to his smell. He smelled of vanilla too, with a hint of strawberry. His smell was so pleasant. I took my shower gel and rubbed it on my body. As soon as that was done, I washed the gel off, washed my hair with a shampoo of the same brand, and when that was rinsed off, I got out of the shower again and dried myself with my purple towel. As I did so, I remembered that I really needed to talk to Hyunjin again. I nodded resolutely and put on my black trousers and shirt.

 I nodded resolutely and put on my black trousers and shirt

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I took a quick look in the mirror to make sure I looked OK. I picked up my old clothes and went out to the bathroom, where I immediately put them in a box, taped it shut and left my old, now empty, room again. I could hear the doorbell and when I looked at the clock I was also very sure who it could be. I immediately went to the door and opened it. "Good afternoon. Are you Mr Han Jisung?" I nodded immediately. "Yes I am. I wish you a good day, too." He nodded once curtly. "Mister Lee sent me. He told me to take you to your new flat!", "Come on in." I stepped aside and back into my room. "I have some boxes which I still have to carry into the car. So there might be some delay...", "Oh no, I'll carry the boxes for you. Mr Lee's words were clear. You are not to do any physical work." He walked past me and pointed to a box of mine. "Is that your box?" he asked me, and I just nodded quickly. " Yes, wait, it's heavy." He lifted it up before I could finish talking like it was a book. I was amazed. This man was really very strong! And damn fast too, because in no time all my moving boxes were stowed in the car. "Is there anything missing Mr. Han?", "No it's all in the car already... Um, may I ask what your name is?" He nodded. "Of course, but please just call me by my last name, Kim, if you don't mind." He smiled once briefly and held the door open for me. "Please sit down." I bowed once briefly and sat down inside the car, which had black leather seats. Immediately, I got into a position where I touched the seat as little as possible. Mr Kim closed the door, which was on my side, jogged to the driver's side and got in before driving off.

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