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POV Jisung

I was startled by a loud scream, "What?!" Breathing quickly, I watched at the TV to realise that I had fallen asleep during my Netflix series, and by now it was already midnight.

Therefore, I turned off the TV, folded my blanket neatly again and made my way to my bedroom where I pulled my blanket aside, lowered the blinds and put on my pyjamas. I stretched, exposing my stomach. And I had to say, I didn't know what Minho liked so much. I didn't really feel comfortable in my own skin, but my body didn't really want to gain weight either, so I had to resign myself to the fact that this would probably remain my body for the time being. I pulled my shirt back into place and immediately lay down in my bed. I covered myself, closed my eyes and fell asleep.


When I opened my eyes, I noticed that it was already 10 o'clock. I sat up and flicked the switch next to my bed to raise my blinds. Immediately I was wide awake as the view was simply breathtaking, there were scattered people everywhere and the sun was quite low in the sky, leaving a pinkish hue in it. I never thought I would like city life so much! I stretched after a few minutes of looking out before getting up and heading towards the kitchen, where I unfortunately found that my fridge was logically empty, and I really needed to go shopping today!

But before I could go into the bedroom, the doorbell rang, so I went to the door to see who was there. To my surprise, it was my best friend Hyunjin, who was apparently taking a shower, as I could tell from his wet hair. I immediately opened the door and let him in. "I brought breakfast!" he spoke immediately and went straight to the kitchen. "I hope the pizza is OK? " I laughed. "How do you manage to eat so unhealthily and still have such a body?" I went to him and took two plates from my cupboard, placed one in front of Hyunjin. "Simple good metabolism and exercise." He grinned. "... And we both know you hate exercise." He opened the giant pizza box and took out one of the many pieces of pizza to bite into. "That's right. Sports are murder!" I giggled briefly before grabbing a slice too. "Are you coming to the party today too?" Hyunjin looked at me questioningly as he took a bite of his Margherita pizza. "Yes, I'm supposed to accompany Minho." I winced as Hyunjin's slice of pizza fell down onto the plate. "What time do you have to be there?!" Immediately he stood up. "E-Ehm I think at 6:40pm I'm supposed to be at his office," "You're just telling me this now? Jisung, you really need some clothes!" He sat down again, having apparently calmed down.

"I know Hyunjin, I thought you might help me again?" I took another bite of his pizza slice. "Of course, I'm not letting my best friend out of the house without style!" He ate his half of the pizza within 10 minutes and stood up again. "I'll be back in an hour, see you later!" He grinned again before disappearing. My half was then also eaten after a few seconds. So I did the same as yesterday, namely put the dishwasher away. No sooner said than done. After a few seconds, I took the box and put it in the waste paper bin, which was next to the other bins. It was funny that I was tidying up as I was a very messy or rather chaotic person myself and my mother was always the one to put my things away. "How I miss that..." I went back into the living room and opened the window as it was getting quite stuffy. I looked at the clock. It said that it was already 11:25. I wonder where he is? What if he is late? I was getting impatient because I knew very well that I didn't have the experience in this kind of thing and I had no idea what to wear. "I'm back!!!" he shouted as he stormed through the door. "Yia!!! Don't scare me like that!" I tried to give him a nasty look, even though I knew it wouldn't work on him. "I got you some proper suit pants and a shirt and tie." I nodded slightly. "Thank you Hyunjin." I pulled him into a hug, which he returned briefly before breaking away. "Yeah it's alright. Come on, we have to get you ready for Minho!" He took my arm and pulled me into my bedroom, where he pulled the curtains in front of the windows and laid the clothes down. "OK. Try this on and call me when you're done!" And he was gone, leaving me alone with the finely finished and quality things, which is why I looked at them awkwardly.

However, I had no time left, so without further ado, after parting with my pyjamas, I put them on and looked in the mirror. I had to be honest, the trousers fit perfectly and accentuated my buttocks and hips very well. And the shirt also matched the pants perfectly and was not too tight but not too loose on my body either. "I'm dressed!" No sooner had I said this out loud than Hyunjin came into my room and looked at me. "Turn slowly." I did as he said while he looked at everything individually and very carefully. "It fits perfectly! Oh, damn, I'm good!" He took me in his arms with a grin. "There, now your hair! Because you can't go out like that!" He pulled me into the bathroom, where he began to style my hair. "You Hyung? When are you going on a date? I've never seen you with anyone before..." I looked at him through the mirror. "Honestly, I've been on a date. His name is Jeongin." He looked at me through the mirror for a moment as well. "I'll tell you more if anything else happens, and I don't forget," "Yes please Hyung!" He laughed briefly and then stopped with my hair. "There, that looks good already." I looked in the mirror and nodded. "You really have a knack for this, Hyunjin!" I smiled briefly at him when suddenly the doorbell rang and we both looked at each other in confusion. "I wonder who that is?" Hyunjin shrugged briefly before joining me in walking towards the door and opening it. "Good afternoon. Mister Lee has instructed me to drive you to the company" I looked at my watch in confusion. " Right now?" I asked and he nodded. "Yes sir. He insisted on seeing you right now." I saw from the side how Hyunjin began to grin. " Go Ji, go get him." He pushed me out of the room, gave me the keys and closed the door before the driver looked at me again. "Follow me, Mr Han." he went into the underground car park, and I followed him.

Once there, we walked towards a white Audi R8 where he opened the door for me, "Thank you." I bowed briefly, got in and fastened my seat belt. The driver jogged to the other side after closing the door on my side. He got in himself and fastened his seatbelt before he also drove off to take me to Minho.

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