Chapter One

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"Move in!" Captain Price ordered through the coms. As I continued my trek throughout the base, bullets whizzed past my face, and I quickly duck into cover. Never would I ever picture me here, living dangerously. Loving the thrill of the danger. Teenage me would've pictured myself as a veterinarian, living a comfortable and silent lifestyle. Teenage me wouldn't believe the things I've seen, years in the military.

"Eliminate anyone in your way." Price ordered me and my fellow soldiers. "Sarge, do you copy?" Price continued barking through the coms. "Copy that." I was a little preoccupied, shooting down the heavily armed guards.

My soldiers and I were outnumbered, us staying in cover. "What do you want to do? Knives." Ace, a fellow soldier on the unit I led asked. My call sign was knives because of my silent approach to my kills. That, and because my favorite weapon was a knife. It was much more silent than a gun and easier. "Sightless, I need you to kill all the lights, over," I spoke through the military grade walkie-talkie in my hands. "Roger that, over." Sightless' hushed tone was heard on the other end.

I put on my night vision goggles as the lights cut out. Confused murmurs were heard throughout the room from the confused guards.

My squad and I came out of cover, spraying the guards with bullets. Crimson blood spilled on the wooden floorboards, seeping through the cracks. "Stay close!" I ordered as we moved further through the base.

We cleared out the halls, moving down. "Find Vazquez's office and collect the intel needed! I'll keep cover." I ordered two of my soldiers, as the remaining soldiers stayed put by my side. "Reinforcements are on their way! Hurry it up Knives!" Price barked, worry drowning out the order his voice usually had.

"You almost done back there?!" I called out, shooting down the guards that ran through the hall, desperately trying to keep their hard drive intact. "Got it!" Ace called out, as he and the other soldier ran out of the room.

"Move out!" Price practically yelled. We ran quickly out of the base, loud gunshots whizzing past us. My heartbeat pounded against my chest as the adrenaline coursed through my veins. The sounds of my combat boots slapping against the gravel were heard along with the soldiers' heavy footsteps. I made sure to keep my soldiers in front of me, not looking back.

We neared the jeeps, piling in. Choppers flew above us, not seeing us due to the tall trees that kept our jeeps safely hidden. The choppers flew to the base, unaware of our quick escape.

The loud roar of the jeep had calmed my nerves as we drove off quickly, the tough rubber tires hitting the rocks, creating bumps.

"You guys did great back there." Captain Price complimented our skills, as we drove away. "You did great getting your team out of that sticky situation, Knives. You're a quick thinker." Price's voice was as fatherly as his whole demeanor. A smile tugged at my lips as I thanked him, taking the compliment very highly.

Once we arrived back at base, everyone, myself included, was exhausted.

The only thing I wanted was to take a long, hot shower. I headed to my sleeping area, which was a private room. I shut the door behind me, letting out a sigh of relief as I stripped myself from the heavy tactical gear that was strapped onto me.

I grabbed a change of clothes and headed towards my bathroom. I cut the water on, as I slowly stripped myself of the dirty clothing. Dirt stains and sweat scattered along the tan shirt. I undid my hair from the low bun I kept it in. I watched as the steam arose from the shower, signaling that it was now hot enough for me to enter.

I stepped under the hot water, the crappy water pressure not bothering me once. I scrubbed the dirt off of my skin, lathering soap over my aching muscles. The kickback of my gun always made my shoulder ache, but I never seemed to mind it.

Once I was finished, I stepped out of the shower and onto the tiled flooring. I wrapped a towel around my body, stepping forward. I looked into the foggy mirror, seeing only imprecise parts of my facial features. I pressed my palm against the cold glass, wiping the mirror of the fog, seeing my features much more clearly.

Healed bruises and small scars scatter my body due to years of being in the military. The countless times I had gotten my ass kicked in training, to be the one who kicks ass.

As much as I wanted to look at each scar as a personal victory, I find myself hating it. I find myself remembering the times when my flesh was smooth. No gunshot wounds... no stab wounds.

A yawn escaped my now parted lips, as exhaustion began to overcome me, draining me of the little energy I had previously before. I palmed the clean clothes, quickly changing into them.

I pulled my hair back into a bun, not even bothering to brush it tonight. I'll just worry about the tangled mess in the morning. I walked closer to my bed, plopping down on it face first. The pillow engulfed my face, the warmth radiating onto my skin.

My muscles relaxed as my breathing slowly evened.

A man crouched in front of me, his vicious brown eyes looking into mine. His gaze was cold, but his smile was even colder. He looked at me as if it were his next victim. Like he was the predator and I was his prey.

I pressed my back against the wooden pole to which I was bound, my hands tied tightly behind my back. "You're better off killing me because I won't tell you shit." I spat.

He only hummed in amusement, enjoying every second of the pain he was going to make me endure. "Killing you would be mercy." His words were laced with a thick accent as he continued looking down at me as if I was nothing.

He raised his hand quickly, backhanding me. My head snapped in the other direction, and the sound of his skin harshly hitting mine echoed throughout the small cellar in which I was held in. I turned my head to look at him, a smug grin on my face. "You hit like a bitch." I taunted him, the smug grin still on my face.

He raised his hand, bringing it back down.

My eyes fluttered open as my hand touched my cheek. The stinging pain felt as fresh as ever as it did that day.

The sun seeped through the curtains, bringing light to the once-dark room. I rolled out of bed, planting my feet firmly against the wooden floorboards. I forcefully got up and got ready, wearing a clean uniform.

I stepped outside and walked past the familiar faces, heading toward the chow hall to have breakfast. "Knives!" Ace greeted me, throwing his arm over my shoulder. I grabbed my food and sat down next to the small group of soldiers which included Ace.

Ace and I engaged in conversation, talking about the new recruits that had come in. Somewhere between the conversation, I was called down by Price.

I was seated in his office, my heart beating at a rapid pace. I felt like I had been called down to the principal's office, questioning what it was that I did wrong.

"You're the best soldier here, you know that?" Price asked me, a warm smile on his face. The panic I felt completely subsided in seconds as my heart beat normally. "Well, I'd like to remain humble." I leaned back in my chair.

"I'd like to assign you to a new task force." Price leaned forward, his elbows pressed against his desk. My smile completely vanished, as my brows furrowed. A frown tugged at my lips as my gaze shifted to Price. "But I have a squad that I lead here." I sat up straight in my chair.

"I know. Task Force 141 needs more hands on deck. And you being the best here, I thought it'd be best to send you in." Price explained.

I knew this meant I had to leave my squad and be recruited to a whole new Task Force. I also knew that I would no longer be in charge. And more importantly, I knew I had to leave Ace behind, who was my closest friend.

But I knew I had no choice. It wasn't a question, it was an order. "I'll pack my things." I stood up from my seat. My face remained expressionless, but my heart had shattered into a million pieces.

All that was left for me to do was pack my things and say my goodbyes to my squad. Because it would be a good, long time till I saw them again.

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