Chapter seven

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The past few weeks ended up going by smoothly. Although, the squad had gotten false alarms about shipments being made and I was not allowed to accompany them on those missions.

Although my wound hadn't completely healed fully, it was healing up nicely, and a lot faster than expected. Everyone was seated in the rec room doing their own thing. Soap doodled in his notepad, I was writing, and Gaz and Ghost were watching TV.

The silence was comforting and the thin blanket felt soft against my skin. I was in the middle of writing a letter back to Ace, seeing as we wrote letters back to back.

I always caught myself thinking about my old squad and my old base. It wasn't about the charge I had taken over the team. It was about the bond each member and I shared. The small little inside jokes we had with one another. A wave of sadness always seemed to crash over me as I read Ace's letters. He always wrote about the squad and how they missed me, and I missed them too.

I found comfort in the new task force. Soap's way of being like an older brother. Price had always been like the father I never had. And Gaz was the one I spent most nights gossiping with. And Ghost, there was a lot to say about Ghost. The numerous complex and convoluted emotions I felt towards him. How I sometimes wanted to hate him, but never could.

Price walked into the rec room, telling Ghost and me to come with him. Soap and Gaz let out childish "ooh's" as if Ghost and I were in trouble. "Gelina has requested to speak to you Knives. I want Ghost there too. If we have an unfriendly figure in the room, then she'll turn towards you more." Price explained as we followed him out to the car.

We took the same route to the same exact room. Our missions were to collect the coordinates of the second shipment and the possible location of Andrei. Seemed easy enough.

Ghost sat down in the chair as I remained standing. My back pressed against the two-way mirror as I leaned against the small railing. "Why is he here?" Gelina glared at Ghost. "What's it like?" Ghost asked her. Gelina seemed unimpressed with him as she crossed her arms over her chest. "What is what like?" She raised one of her fierce eyebrows. "To be in love with a man who doesn't give a single shit about you."

My face almost dropped at Ghost's remark. I stepped forward, sitting beside Ghost. "Fuck you."

"Watch your mouth." I snapped quickly. "Look, we can save the insults Gelina and you can tell us the coordinates of the last two shipments," I told her calmly. "Why should I?"

"Because we had an agreement." I looked into her eyes. Her green eyes reminded me of the forest where I ended up getting stranded years ago. Blood poured from my open wound, only barely clinging to life. That was one of my worst memories. Looking into her eyes I saw not a single thing. "And my friend here..." I placed my hand on Ghost's shoulder. "Doesn't take kindly to liars."

Gelina's eyes shifted to Ghost. "Only if you keep your end of the bargain."

For some reason all I felt towards her was pity. "Why are you so set on protecting Andrei? You know he doesn't care about you." The metal table felt cold against my skin as I pressed my forearms against it. Gelina shook her head. "He sent his soldiers to look for me."

"Because he knew you would be a threat in the hands of us." Ghost told her blatantly. "He knew there was a possibility of you giving us the information needed. He didn't come to save you.."

"He came to kill you." Ghost finished my sentence. Gelina only shook her head, picking at the chipped deep, red nail polish on her nails. "You're lying." She continued shaking her head. "You're a threat to him. And he will eliminate any threat." I continued speaking in a soft manner.

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