Authors note (plz read)

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Read if you'd like but I would love it if you did. I hate watching this book come to an end and we are slowly coming to an end. It breaks my heart to end it so soon and I loved writing every single damn chapter. I loved offering entertainment for you beauties. I loved seeing your comments. I loved reading about how down bad y'all are for a man with a mask (I'm so down bad too girl).

There will be a few more chapters until the book finally ends. And even though I wish I could continue forever, everything good must always come to an end. But before the book eventually ends, I want to tell you, guys, how much I truly appreciate you.

My life is fucking shitty and this book has been one of the highlights of this year. I enjoyed writing it and I really hope you guys enjoyed reading it. I really do hope to see you in my other books, new or old. And when this book does come to an end, I might either make a new one or make a part two.

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