Chapter five

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"Now we know where their drop spot would be, but Gelina only gave me one of the missile's whereabouts," I told them, my palm pressed flat against the smooth, wooden desk. "How many missiles do they plan on having?" Soap asked. He stood firmly in the corner, his arms crossed against his chest.

"My guess, at least three." Price sat in his chair. Although it was good that we had the location of the first shipment, it just wasn't enough. "What are we waiting for then? I'm ready." I could feel the anticipation course through my veins as I began to become giddy.

"A chopper will be coming in shortly, grab what you need." Price dismissed us.

We were given exactly ten minutes to gear up and grab our things. Although, we didn't need that much time. We found each other near the chopper, everyone geared up and ready to go. "You guys ready?" Price asked us.

Although I could feel the adrenaline slowly seep in, my ideal day wouldn't be shooting people down to steal a missile. We loaded into the chopper, taking our seats. Price and Ghost sat in the seats in front of me, Gaz, and Soap. I took the seat on the outside so I wouldn't have to be squished between the two.

I looked down at the base, watching it get smaller and smaller as the helicopter flew gradually higher. Pre-military, I always hated being in the air. I always had this intense fear of heights. I was deathly afraid of flying.

I've grown so used to being in the air I began to find comfort in it. The view from high up was beautiful to me even if it did look like a heap of dirt.

We had gone over the plan a thousand times; it was like it had been burned into my brain. Soap, Gaz, and I would move in while Price and Ghost covered us from a distance. We had exactly ten minutes to identify the shipment as a missile before they brought in the sling helicopters to pick up the shipment.

The chopper lowered to the ground, landing a good distance away from the drop spot. My hands gripped the gun tightly that I was holding.

Suddenly, I could feel a pair of eyes staring at me. Looking over, my eyes landed on Ghost. Unlike a normal person, he didn't look away. But instead, he continued to stare into my eyes. I wondered if this was some sort of rival stare-off that I damn sure didn't want to lose. But we had a job to do.

I broke off the eye contact, losing the stare-off. I was the first one to hop out of the helicopter, my feet landing in a bed of grass. "Remain stealthy, don't move in until you have my command." Price ordered us.

"Roger that." I mumbled slightly. Soap, Gaz, and I moved closer to the drop spot, remaining hidden in the tall grass. I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my body, my heart pounding in my chest. The thrill of the operation, the potential danger, it was all so exciting and exhilarating. I couldn't help but love the rush, the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

We waited patiently for Price's command to move in. My eyes landed on the metal crate as I waited impatiently. "Now!"

That was all we needed before we came out of the tall grass, spraying the soldiers with our bullets. We got into cover, returning gunfire as Price and Ghost sniped down soldiers from a distance. "Get to that crate!" Price ordered through the comms.

We pushed our way through, taking down as many soldiers as we could. I was the first one to reach the crate, unlatching it. "Soap help me!" I shouted as I tugged on the heavy door. Soap came to the side of me, gripping the handle. His knuckles turned white from the stronghold he had on the metal crate. We pulled the door open slightly as I slipped through.

I grabbed the white sheet, pulling it up slightly. My eyes brightened as a large smile grew on my face. I ran back out and gave them a thumbs-up. "Well?" Price asked impatiently. "It's the missile, sir," I told him.

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