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Okay, guys quick authors note. There MIGHT be another chapter being updated today or tomorrow if I don't finish it by today. But first, I want to thank you all for reading this book. I put so much of my time and this is the hardest I've ever worked on a book. I have so much passion and love for this book and although I do get impulsive thoughts telling me to delete it, I won't. Once I start I finish.

I want to thank you all for voting and the little comments you make always make me smile and I do love reading them. Please if you have any feedback don't be afraid to offer some. I want you guys do enjoy it.

There MIGHT be smut depending on if it's what you guys want so just let me know if you want some. I'm not the most experienced smut writer but I will try my hardest and make it work. So let me know.

And I also want to thank you all again. You guys are really the reason for my love of writing and you guys are my motivation to keep going. I appreciate each and every single one of you guys and I love you all. Stay safe my beauties<333

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