Chapter Twenty-seven

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Chapter is shitty in my eyes ngl but I have an excuse!!! I've been babysitting a lot recently. I had to babysit a pre-teen, a toddler, and a baby so I'm drained but I still make time for my beauties🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽

The days seemed to pass rather slowly, containing only paperwork and small training sessions. I found it harder to be near Ghost, and it sucked because my main goal was to tolerate him. I couldn't help but notice that he'd started acting normally. He would give me a "hey sarge," every now and then and that was pretty much it. It was back to square one.

I was seated on the sofa, a blanket sprawled over me. I kept my journal on my lap, twirling the black pen between my fingers. My eyes skimmed over the blank page, tracing over the blue lines. As I thought about what I wanted to write down, my mind went completely blank. Yes, there was... A lot. Maybe a little too much.

I pressed the tip of my pen against the smooth paper, thinking whether or not I really wanted to write. Lifting the pen, a small dot was left there. I let out a sigh, as I put the cap back on the pen , and set it on my lap.

I flipped over the pages, reading through the first one. Memories pooled into my mind, like a large wave crashing over me.

"Hey, Knives! You hear me?" Gaz stood in the doorway, waving his hands like a maniac. My eyes flickered to his, his dark brown eyes looked into mine with worry. "What?" I asked him, sitting straighter. "We have Graves' possible location, let's go." He ushered me.

I jumped to my feet, quick to grab my things. It felt as if every emotion trickled away until I saw nothing but revenge. I grabbed my gun and loaded into the car along with the others. My finger tapped against the gun as I stared ahead.

The anger I had was like a wildfire. It suffocated me as it filled my lungs. It pricked away at my skin, burning my flesh until it consumed me whole. We sped down the long road, driving past the miles of sandy terrain. The wind that blew through the open windows was warm as the sun beat harshly down on us.

"We're pulling up now! No time for a plan! This man is armed and dangerous! Move in!" Price barked orders at us. The building was large with broken-in windows, some boarded up. The roof was slightly caved in and the door was bolted shut with wooden boards. "Find another entrance!" Price barked at us.

I went around to the back, garbage littering the ground. I kicked a can out of my way as I moved carefully and quietly. I found a broken window, glass shards still poking out through the wooden frame. "Over here!" I called out, using the butt of my gun to tear the shards away from the wooden frame. Gaz set out a jacket, using the fabric to act as a barrier. I climbed through the window first, planting my feet on the creaky floorboards.

The place felt as if it would cave in at any given moment. "Spread out and stay aware of your surroundings." Price told us. I turned away from the group of men, making my way toward the stairwell. There were four levels of the building. Price and Gaz would take the bottom level, Soap would take the second, Ghost takes the third, and I take the fourth.

I worked my way up the stairs, turning on the flashlight that I had connected to my gun. The small light was enough to see where I was walking. I neared the large, metal door and pushed it open. I stepped out, quickly aiming my gun in either direction. I turned my flashlight off as the sun poured into the broken windows. I looked over at the photos that clung to the wall. Men in gear stood there with straight faces, eyes narrowed at the camera, the sun hitting their faces perfectly.

I moved through the floor swiftly, checking each room making sure not to miss a single room. I came across the last room, nearing the door. I grab the handle, shaking it to realize it was locked.

Silver-Lining (Ghost Riley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now