Chapter Thirty-Nine

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SOTD (Song of the Day): Chateau (feel alright)  by Djo (Yall hoes better listen to it and I call y'all hoes out of love🫶🏽)

My fingers tapped lightly against the table as I sat back in my chair. We all were in a meeting and Alejandro sat in the head chair. Sadness filled his eyes as he rested his elbows against the table. "As you all know, Javier didn't make it." Alejandro began.

"He bled out too much by the time we got him here and unfortunately, they couldn't save him." A certain silence dwelled on us all as Alejandro continued talking. "We will honor him. We will bring him justice."

"So we're planning an attack?" I asked. "Sort of. I have two soldiers who are willing to join us." Alejandro motioned toward the window that peaked into the hall. Amelia and a strange man I did not know both entered the room. There was a small, white bandage on Amelia's bruised and swollen nose. "This is Amelia as you all know her. And this one," Alejandro placed his hand on the man's shoulder. "This is Rodolfo. But you can call him Rudy." Alejandro introduced the pair.

My eyes flicked over to the strange man, soaking in his features. Lines formed on his forehead as he raised his eyebrows, his lips forming into a tight smile. He had a five o'clock shadow and dark brown hair that was neatly slicked back with gel.

His demeanor seemed calm and friendly, whereas Amelia looked as if she were out for blood. I couldn't really blame her. The pair took a seat at the table, joining in on the meeting. "Do we even know who the soldiers are?" I asked, turning my attention toward Alejandro. It wasn't as if we had much information on them. "I've been researching them when I went to get their files. They're not exactly an army, more like a small group. They attack bases and steal their resources." Alejandro sat back in his seat, leaning into the chair.

"How does a small group do so much damage?" Soap asked. "Heavy artillery." Ghost spoke up after staying silent the entire time.

"I'm ready to go in for the attack," Amelia said. "That's stupid. We don't know what resources they have. We'd go in there blindly." Gaz interjected, completely shooting down her idea. "We could do a silent scope out," I suggested. "Go in there during nighttime and scope out their setup," I added.

Alejandro thought about it for a minute. Before he could say anything, the sound of the door to the meeting room opened. My eyes lit up as I saw Price walk inside. "Hope you guys weren't having too much fun without me." Price's voice boomed happily as he took his seat at the table. "We were just going over strategic plans for taking down a small organization." Alejandro briefed Price shortly.

The rest of the meeting went by in a blur. My focus had been pulled away for the majority of the meeting, consisting of small a daze and my eyes remaining unnoticeable contact at a wall past Ghost's head. I didn't realize that I had completely zoned out until Alejandro slammed his palm against the table, standing up dramatically.

"Make sure you all get a good night's rest because our operation will be during the nighttime." Alejandro reminded us all. After exchanging a few words, we were all off to our own way.

I decided to head down to the shooting range to get some practice in. The gun felt heavier in my hands and the stitched tugged at my flesh only slightly. The irritable feeling in my shoulder wasn't too uncomfortable so I continued shooting. The loud gunshots were muffled since the earmuffs I wore drowned out the deafening noises. My bullets hit the target perfectly, not missing a single shot once.

I took notice that Soap too, made his way down to the shooting range. "Hey." He gave me a friendly smile, taking his spot next to me. He aimed his gun, taking a few shots also.

"How are you feeling about the Javier situation?" Soap asked me. His gaze remained on his target and I knew he was trying to start a friendly conversation. "It's kinda shitty," I told him. I haven't had much time to think about Javier's death. We weren't particularly close, but it was always a shitty feeling when one of your comrades passed. "That Amelia girl, she's one hell of a lass ain't she?" Soap chuckled.

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