Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Y/n! Watch out!" Ghost's voice boomed into my ears. Although his voice was loud and strong it felt as if it was background noises. Everything felt like it was in slow motion. The way Graves tried to whip me with the butt of his rifle. I brought my arm up, catching the side of the gun. The blood dripped down my face, covering my skin in a deep, crimson red. My ears rang from the impact of the head injury Graves had caused, but I ignored it. I focused on one thing and one thing only... Killing Graves. I yanked him in, his grip still strong on his gun. I pulled him in closer, giving him a mean right hook. The impact of my fist slamming against his jaw sent a sharp pain up to my wrist.

Graves' knees buckled beneath him as he collided with the floor, his hands against the dirt to hold himself up. I kicked my knee up, kneeing him straight under his jaw. His head got knocked back from impact, his body looked as if it was falling in slow motion. His back collided with the dirt ground.

His eyes fluttered slowly, looking up at the blue sky. I stepped over him, looking down at him. Ghost stood a few feet away from us, staring intently. I didn't care that Ghost was looking. I didn't care about anything. I cared about this. "Look at me." My voice sounded like venom, the words I spoke burning in my mouth. "Look. At. Me." I said again, much more sternly. Graves rolled his head over, his eyes looking into mine.

I pulled my handgun out, aiming it directly between his eyes. This was it. It was finally ending. "I want you to take a long look at my face. I want you to know that you're just another scumbag who is about to die."

"Y/n..." He breathed out. "You're not gonna kill me." He chuckled. I raised an eyebrow, cocking my head to the side. "And what made you dumb enough to think that?" I grinned, wrapping my finger lightly around the trigger. "Because you-" The sound of my gun firing rang through my ears. "Shut up," I grumbled, looking down at his lifeless body.

The ground beneath him soaked up the blood that pooled from the back of his head, swarming around his body, and soaking into the dirt.

It was finally over

~An hour before~

Everyone was seated in the rec room, doing their own thing. Everyone except Gaz. Gaz decided to go out into the city with Alejandro for a while since he wanted to get some fresh air. Ghost was seated in a chair, reading a book. Soap was doodling in his notepad, showing me the small sketches he made. I had my journal in my hands, writing down about anything. The pen scratches filled my ears as I drew along the lines perfectly, the black ink etched in cursive letters. The pages slowly started to wear thin as I filled up the majority of my journal.

"They found him! They found sight of him! Come on!" Gaz shouted at us once he busted through the home, not allowing himself to even catch his breath. I threw my journal to the side as I stood straight up from my seat. "Grab your things! Let's go! Let's go!" Ghost ordered all of us, rushing us.

We geared up and grabbed our weapons. Alejandro brought more reinforcements with us, three Jeeps filled with soldiers. Alejandro, Soap, Ghost, Gaz, and I piled into one Jeep, managing to squeeze Javier in with us.

The loud roar filled my ears, adding more to the anticipation. The tires screeched as Ghost slammed his foot on the gas pedal, the Jeep taking off in a harsh manner. My body moved along with the rough movements as we peeled down the streets of Las Almas, making it into the more rural area. The sun was beating down on me harshly, the heat crawled on my skin making the hot weather unbearable.

We stopped in front of a small farmhouse, with large fields surrounding the place. It was pretty much isolated and the nearest house was miles away. The Jeeps parked horizontally, forming a barrier between us and the home. "I'm moving in! I don't need a lot of backup. I'll take these three and the rest stay out here in case Graves makes a run for it." Ghost pointed at me, Gaz, and Soap as he spoke to Alejandro.

Alejandro nodded his head as he ordered his men to get in place. They all aimed their guns directly toward the house, using the Jeeps as cover. Ghost and I walked in front of Gaz and Soap as we neared the house. I had my gun trained as we entered the home.

As I entered the farmhouse, I was confronted by the sight of an abandoned interior. The silence was palpable, as if the place had been frozen in time for years. Everything in the house had a layer of dust on it, as if it was waiting to be used. The furniture, although slightly worn and dilapidated, was still in good condition. Broken picture frames were scattered across the surface of the tables, as if they once held memories that had since been forgotten. Despite the emptiness of the farmhouse, the air was heavy with a sense of history, as if the walls had seen many years of memories and experiences.

"Okay Soap and Gaz, you two take the upstairs, Knives and I will take downstairs." Ghost gave his orders and we all complied with head nods. Ghost and I swept downstairs, splitting up to cover more ground.

The sound of my slow and heavy footsteps echoed through the halls, filling my ears. The sound of the back door slowly opening caught my attention. I felt like a wild animal, aware of my surroundings and my senses felt as if they were heightened. Maybe it was the mixture of adrenaline and anticipation that pumped through my veins.

I quickly followed the sound, my eyes settling on the screen door. I walked into the kitchen slowly, walking past the storage closet. I looked out the window, seeing nothing. The closet door opened and I quickly turned around. Before I had any time to react, Graves had slammed a hard object against the side of my head, tearing my flesh open. "Son of a bitch!" I groaned as I fell back from the impact. The blood stained my fingertips, trailing down my fingers from the injury. Graves booked it out the screen door, my double vision soon focusing as I forced myself up. "Knives!" Ghost rushed over to me.

"I'm fine!" I quickly replied, booking it after Graves. I was a fast runner, making it easy to catch up with him. I tackled him down, my body weight crashing against his as we both fell to the dirt ground. I rolled him onto his back, throwing a punch. Graves pushed me off of him, taking the chance to throw a clean punch to my face.

I rolled over, picking myself back up. "Y/n! Watch out!" Ghost called out to me. I looked over to see Graves try to hit me with the butt of his rifle. Out of instinct, I grabbed the side and pulled him in close. I threw a harsh right hook, my fist connecting with his jaw. I ignored the pain that shot through my hand and wrist as I kneed him in the face.

The anger burned inside of me as I stood above him, keeping my gun aimed at him. "Look at me," I ordered. He looked hazed, seemingly having a hard time staying conscious. "Look. At. Me." I spoke sternly, my eyes burning into his. His eyes flickered to mine as a small grin formed on my face. "I want you to take a long look at my face. I want you to know that you're just another scumbag who is about to die." I spoke in pure hatred. I hated him for everything.

"Y/n..." He spoke low, his breathing deep and hitched as if he were fighting for oxygen. "You're not gonna kill me." He laughed slowly as if it were causing him pain. I raised an eyebrow, almost amused. "And what made you dumb enough to think that?" I questioned, still keeping my gun aimed. "Because you-"

I didn't give him the chance to finish as I pulled the trigger. "Shut up," I spat. I watched as his blood swarmed his lifeless body, soaking into the dirt below him. It was finally over. It was all over.

Ghost walked closer, placing his hand on my shoulder. "It's finally over." He told me proudly. I turned to look at him, a weak smile on my face. "The silver lining is that bitch is finally dead." Ghost snaked his arm over my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. The both of us walked around the house, seeing Soap and Gaz with the rest. "His body is out in the back." Ghost announced to everyone. "Made sure he's dead?" Soap asked.

"Clean shot to the head. You don't gotta worry about that bastard getting back up." I assured him. Alejandro gave us a proud smile as he walked to us.

"Lo hiciste!" Alejandro clapped proudly, a wide smile on his face. (You did it!) "Tonight we drink!" Soap announced happily.

It was all over.

Silver-Lining (Ghost Riley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now